max || "date" pt 3

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"um there's a spare toothbrush in my parent's bathroom. just stay here, i'll be back soon," you said, making max wait in your room. i really hope she doesn't find anything embarrassing in there. when you returned, you gave max the toothbrush and you both brushed your teeth in a very long awkward silence, wanting to leave as soon as possible.

once both of you were back in your room, you went to your drawer and took out a big t-shirt and shorts, giving it to max. "here. it's clean, don't worry." max smiled at you and thanked you, standing up from your bed and was about to take off her shirt when she suddenly stopped. "uh, i'm gonna..." she mumbled awkwardly and you snapped out of your daze, nervously apologising. "oh yeah! uh i'm sorry, i'll turn- i'll turn around now."

y/n's pov:

shit. did max catch me staring? i hope not. i could hear her clothes falling to the floor and i struggled not to turn my head. i swallowed as my eyes roamed around what was in front of me nervously, a blush beginning to cover my cheeks. i could feel my head moving slightly, turning it to see what's behind more and more. don't do it, y/n. don't.

"okay, i'm done!" max's voice echoed in my ears, making me sigh in relief. i turned around and saw her in my clothes. she looked... beautiful. especially in that big shirt. "y/n? you know i can see you staring, right?" she teased, smirking at me. my face went red immediately and i stuttered, avoiding her eyes, "n-no i'm not." max narrowed her eyes at me and smiled, "okay fine! if you say so."

"um if you don't mind, can we read the comic you just got? i mean, if it's okay with you," i said, trying to change the subject. max's eyes lit up and she squealed excitedly, "okay let me go grab it, wait here." as she left the room, my mouth curved into a smile as i just witnessed how excited max could get about comics. ughhhh, she's so cuteeee.

max ran back into the room, holding a comic and hopped onto my bed, patting on the spot next to her. i smiled softly and sat down, pulling the covers over our legs before leaning against the headboard. max placed the comic in front of her and admired it for a second before opening it. as she read, i leaned a little closer to her, hoping it wasn't noticeable. under the covers, our legs were touching and the warmth from both our legs and my cheeks were so strong that i couldn't even focus on what max was reading about. suddenly, the "dark secret" popped in my mind and i got lost in my thoughts again... until i decided. i couldn't keep the secret in any longer, at least not from max. it was something that kept making me overthink things and it'd be so much better if i could tell someone about it. i took a deep breath and prepared what i was going to say mentally, afraid of what max would think of me if i ever told her.

"uh, max? i don't mean to interrupt, it's just- can i tell you something?" i asked nervously as she put down the comic. "sure. what is it?" i sighed and fidgeted nervously. "remember when you asked me what my secret was and i told you about the milk thing? uh, i lied about that. it's actually something else." max nodded, asking me to continue.

"um before i tell you that, you have to promise me you'll never tell anyone okay? and you'll probably hate me after this," i said, waiting for her reply. "of course. i promise i won't tell anyone and i'll never hate you, okay?" i nodded slowly, trying to reassure myself though i wasn't sure if it was working. i took a deep breath again and gathered everything together, hands shaking. "i... i don't think i'm normal." max frowned in confusion. "what do you mean, 'not normal'?" i could feel the tears coming, and i quickly blinked them away, "i... i think... i think i like girls." max's eyes widened and she looked at me, hard to tell what she was feeling from the look on her face.

shit. i shouldn't have said that. she's definitely gonna hate me now.

max's pov:


i couldn't believe what i just heard. i could feel my heart erupting in excitement and a smile appeared on my face as i tried not to scream. y/n, on the contrary, looked tense and looked away from me. "i know you might hate me now and... i understand if you want to leave," y/n said with an audible sadness and disappointment. my heart broke at the sound of her voice. i hated seeing y/n upset and i felt the need to cheer her up. maybe i can tell her that i like girls too?

"hey y/n? that's actually great! i'm proud of you. i know it isn't easy talking to someone else about that and, i'm glad you trust me. i promise i'll never tell anyone about this," i said, giving her a small smile. "really? you- you're okay with it? wow, i uh... i didn't expect that. thanks," y/n said, looking up at me, smiling. my cheeks started to heat up and i bit my bottom lip, trying to force it away. "are you blushing?" y/n asked amused, poking at my cheek before squishing them with her hand. "y/n stop! you're making me redder, you know that?" i exclaimed, the words slipping out of my mouth and y/n gasped. "i'm making you redder? awww, max," she teased and started to blush a little too. "shit. no, no, no. you're blushing too! am i making you blush too?" i teased back, trying not to laugh at y/n's red face. even her ears were a little red. she pushed me playfully and giggled, "fine! we're equal now, okay?"

we messed around for a while, teasing and making fun of each other, laughing. soon, y/n was getting tired and we decided to finally take a rest. y/n reached for the lamp on the beside table and turned it off, pulling the covers up to her shoulders, facing me. "goodnight max," y/n whispered, sleep laced her voice. "night, y/n. oh wait, before we sleep, can i tell you something?"


i leaned closer to her ear and whispered.

"i like girls too."

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