sadie || kidnapped pt 1

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requested by @halolover69 <3

ok this may be a little dramatic

tw: attempted sexual abuse

your eyes fluttered open, squinting at your surroundings. they were... unfamiliar. you inhaled the dusty air, immediately regretting as it resulted you in a coughing fit. you looked around and observed the different boxes and chairs in the dark room, the only source of light shining through a small window above you. you noticed you were tied to a chair and you struggled, tugging hard at the ropes. you wracked your brain, confused at how you got here until a memory played back in your head. a tall man, dragging you by the waist violently without any difficulty. your cries for help were filled with terror and you felt your voice getting softer and softer the louder you tried to shout. to your fear and disappointment, your futile screams only lasted for a quick moment before a hand was clamped over your mouth, muffling your cries. the man threw you mercilessly into the back of a van, your chest slamming onto the floor of the van. you winced and before you could turn around, you felt a hard impact on the back of your head and you heard a door slam before you blacked out.

you remembered now.

y/n's pov:

shit. have i really been kidnapped? shit, i thought, looking around again. the man's not there. maybe i can escape. i struggled with the ropes, attempting to wriggle myself free. i could feel my heart beating quicker and quicker, afraid that he would return any second and catch me trying to escape. the fibers of the rope scratched my wrists the faster and harder i tried to undo them. miraculously, the rope came free and i quickly untied the ones around my ankle with ease. i stood up from the chair and ran towards the window i saw earlier, looking up towards it, thinking of things i could use to get up there. the boxes, i thought, remembering about the wooden boxes. i hurried to one of the boxes and with much effort, dragged it against the sandy floor, making as little noise as possible. i leaned it against the wall and climbed up, reaching for the slightly-opened window and pushing it wide open. i peered down and spotted the empty chair, reminding myself that the kidnapper could return at any moment. i quickly tried to squeeze my way through the window, only to hear the one thing that i was dreading to hear. i could hear the shuffling of feet against the ground and the scream of rage from a man entering the room.

breathing heavily, i started to panic and tried to make my way out with sweaty palms. unfortunately, he was a lot faster than i was and tugged on my leg which was still sticking out, pulling me back down hard. my back slammed on the edge of the box before rolling onto the ground. i groaned and tears pricked my eyes as i tried to steady myself, the man pulling me up and dragging me back to the chair. he picked up the ropes and forced me down onto the chair without difficulty, his bulky arms pressed against my chest. "no! let me go! stop!" i yelled, kicking at his shins which was proven to be useless after he glared at me, showing no signs of pain whatsoever. "don't you dare try to escape again. if you know what's good for you," the man sneered, sitting on a chair next to me

sadie's pov:

i came back home a little earlier than usual, in hopes of getting to spend more time with y/n as envisioned her running towards me once i opened the door. i'd been a lot busier lately and y/n wasn't very happy about that, always complaining about when i could spend some time with her. now, i could finally do so and i was really looking forward to it. but of course, not everything goes our way and in this case, it couldn't be any truer.

i unlocked the door, anticipating a violent hug from y/n. but when i opened it, there was... no one. no y/n. "y/n? love? are you- are you here?" i called out, putting my things on the coffee table in front of the couch. i picked up my pace, frantically walking around the house calling out her name. the growing silence increased the panic even more, the heavy breaths as i entered each empty room getting louder and louder. "y/n? please tell me this is a joke. you're scaring me," i said, voice trembling. screw that. i'm just gonna call her.

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