Hiro Nakamura X Reader (Heroes)

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A/N: I'm so sorry. I had no idea what to do for this one hhhhh

"It's our Destiny" He said as he held onto your hands. You have him a smile. He had been saying that to you for a while. How it was yours and his destiny to meet up. How it was yours and his destiny to become girlfriend in boyfriend. You often would let out a chuckle and place a small kiss on his cheek.

"Yes Hiro it is" You say. He grins. You had tried your hardest to learn Japanese for him, and to be honest you have never been so annoyed with a language (okay besides English) It wasn't like Japanese wasn't a beautiful language. It truly is. It's just... Having to learn words and the meaning behind them can be so irritating. For any language. The first thing you had learned in Japanese was. 'It's our Destiny' mostly for Hiros sake. It seemed to be his catchphrase. You had then learned 'I love you' even though the two of you hadn't said that to each other yet you skill kept it in the back of your mind.
For later. You though. When we were ready.

"May I kiss you?" Hiro asked looking you right in the eye. You blushed but nodded, and as he leaned in to kids you, you held tight onto his hands. When your lips interlocked you felt a wave of feelings. blithe, comforting, and euphoric. To say the least it was quite a joyous feeling. Of course it had to be ruined when you suddenly heard a loud honk. Both you and Hiro pulled away from each other. You whipped your heads to where the sound had come from, and lo-and-behold there was a truck of boys wolf whistling and winking.

"Get some!" One of them had screeched before they had driven off. It took you a moment to realize why the two of you weren't back in your comfy bed, kissing.

"I'm sorry" You groaned and shoved your head into your hands. "I didn't mean to do this. I swear" He watched with a frown. He knew that it wasn't your fault. He had never blamed you wherever this happened.

"It isn't your fault" He said as he gently grabbed your hands. "It just happens. Just like a reflex" He said as he smiled at you. He had known about your teleporting abilities since the start, and you had known about his unnatural abilities. "It's our destiny" He said with a confidant smile. You couldn't help but laugh a little at the silly expression.

"Thanks Hiro" You say

"Now let's go back home. I want to kiss you more but not get wolf whistled at" He said and you nodded bringing him into a hug and then disappearing back to where the two of you were before.

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