Saitama x Reader (One Punch Man)

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"Ah- Genos" you smiled when you recognized the boy. He turned his head, eyes scanning the area before landing on you.

"Good evening Miss (Name)" Genos bowed to you. He looked up at you, a small smile had graced his lips upon seeing you smiling at him.

"Just (Name) is fine. We're friends aren't we?" You said as you took a step forward. He noticed the bags of food in your arms. He instinctively reached for a few bags, this wasn't the first time he had helped you.

You were Saitama's long time girlfriend. You had come back to Japan after going backpacking around Europe not even a month ago. He never quite understood why you had gone but Saitama said he may understand when he was older. You were kind to Genos from the beginning. Offering him food, drinks, a place to stay, even if it wasn't exactly your home.

"Saitama! Genos and I are home!" You sang as you took your shoes off. Saitama had fallen asleep on the floor watching the news. Genos followed you into the kitchen, he placed the bags beside you own as you told him to turn the TV off.

"What do you think we should make for dinner tonight?" You asked as you flipped through a cooking book. "How about shepherds pie?" You tapped the page. Genos read over the page, humming as he tapped the page.

"Is this a recipe from your time traveling Europe?" He questioned. You smiled, nodding as you began to take out some of the ingredients.

"Do you know how to cook Genos?" You asked, turning to face him. Genos nodded, smiling ever so slightly.

"Yes I do. Only limited knowledge though..." he rubbed the back of his neck. You beamed at his answer.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" You rummaged through the kitchen looking for the cutting board and knives. When Genos shook his head you jumped up from your crouching position. "Would you like to stay for dinner then? It would be wonderful if you could!" Genos' chest ached. He slowly nodded as he took the cutting board and knife from you.

"I'll help cut the vegetables." He said as he laid the items on the counter. You grabbed the potato peeler and a few potatoes.

"Okay! I'll peel some potatoes."

"Can you wake up Saitama for me? I'll set the table" you hummed a tune while grabbing the plates and setting them on the small table.

"Sensei" Genos whispered as he gently shook Saitama. "Dinner is ready." Saitama sat up instantly, he pushed the blankets off of himself.

"What did you make tonight (Name)?" Saitama yawned, leaning against your back, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder.

"Shepherds Pie. Genos helped me! We made it together" you looked over at Genos, beaming. Saitama hummed, smiling as well as he continued to talk to you. Genos watched from the floor, listening to the two of you talk. You laughing at something Saitama said and pushing him off of you. A memory from years ago ran through his mind.

His own parents, laughing, smiling, embracing each other. Far before the accident. He would listen to them call each other by their names in sweet tones. Watch as they danced in the living room when he was supposed to be asleep.

"Genos" Saitama called as he sat beside you. "Come sit with us." He waved the boy over and instinctively Genos sat across from you. A plate in front of him. Although he didn't need to eat you still put some of the food the two of you made together on his plate, even placing a cup of his favourite tea, he didn't think you would remember, in front of him. So he took some of the food and took a bite out of it.

"Whoa! Genos can you even eat!?"

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