The first encounter

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Chapter 3: The first encounter

Tommy's POV:

Tommy awoken with a startle. He held his chest and breathed heavily. What was that... Why was it so.. cold. And who was that woman? Ugh. The whole fucking dream is blurry. Why can't I remember. He rubbed his temples and slowly looked around. Just then he remembered where he was. He was on an adventure with his elder brothers, Wilbur and Techno. He didn't know where they were going just yet. But he was really excited. He already knows that it'll take a long time until they finished this journey. He looked over to his eldest brother, Wilbur. He was peacefully sleeping on his fur-blanket. It looked like the sun was abut to rise. He sighed out and went out of their tent. When he walked over to the fire, he spotted Techno sitting on a rock, sharpening his sword. Tommy hummed and smiled brightly. Techno as amazing! He taught him how to do plenty of sword techniques and how to fight properly. He wasn't going to lie, he still needs a lot of training. But that didn't matter to him that much. As long as it was Techno who was training him.

He walked over and sat down on the ground, right in front of Techno. Technos eyes slowly drifted from the sword to Tommy in a calm manner. He smiled, "Good morning, Theseus"

Tommy wiggled with his feel, sitting cross legged, "Hey Techno! Did any monsters attack at night?"

"Only wolves. Nothing more.", Techno replied as he swung his sword and plunged it into the ground. Then he stood up. "You wanna train?"

Tommy's eyes were bright in excitement, "Hell yeah!"

Wilbur POV:

Wilbur grunted as he slowly opened his eyes. He woke up due to the fighting sounds outside. Luckily he knew from the sound of it, that it was just Techno and Tommy training. He raised and stepped out of the tent, into the sunlight. Sun just seemed to have risen. That was good, because they had a long way ahead of them.

He went over to the rock, on which Techno had previously sat on, and watched the two train or a while. After some time he prepared the horses and packed in their tents and fur-blankets. He tucked on his horses leash and it followed him. Then he took Technos and Tommys horses as well and lead them on to the training field. When they saw their eldest brother, they stopped and looked at him.

"Come on guys. It's time to continue. If we get lucky we'll make it to the highlands till noon.", Wilbur smiled.

Both nodded and tucked their weapons away. They got on their horses.

Wilbur looked around a last time and also got in his saddle.

They've been riding for about 4 hours or so and a storm was building up in the sky. Wilbur looked up and felt a couple raindrops fall into his face. He could see some kind of farm in the distance and sighed in relief. He looked over at Techno. "Techno, there is a farm in sight! Let's stop there and ask for shelter."

Techno nodded and followed Wilbur with Tommy.

They arrived at a small farm house, a beautiful bright red in color. Someone was standing in front of the door, seemingly putting some buckets aside. He had small black horns and a tail. A demon perhaps. He looked at the three siblings and put the bucket down with a tilted head. He smiled, "Greeting travelers!"

Wilbur got off of his horse and bowed slightly, "Hello, sir! My apologies for disturbing you but we seek shelter and wondered if you could perhaps provide it to us?"

"Sure thing! Also, please call me Bad!", Bad smiled and pointed to the barn. "You can put your horses in there for shelter. After that I'll gladly show you where you can sleep."

Wilbur smiled, "Thank you bad! I am Wilbur and these are my brothers Techno and Tommy."

Bad nodded, "Pleasured to meet you"

After they put their horses in the barn, Bad led them inside. It seemed like a cozy house with a warm feeling to it. There was another man sitting at a desk. He seemed to be part diamond, due to parts of his skin being shiny and translucent and well, diamond. The man looked over and stared at them.

Bad walked over to him and hugged him, "This is Skep!"

Skep looked at Bad, "Hey Bad, who're those people?"

Bad opened a door, "These are our guests for this night, Wilbur, Techno and Tommy."

Skep nodded, "Cool! Wassup!"

Tommy grinned widely and waved, "Hey! You look so cool!"

He grinned at Tommy, "I like you already!"

Wilbur saw Techno merely nod at them.


Techno put down his bag as soon as they were shown their rooms. He was silent and looked out of the window. The rain was slowly drizzling over the window and the soft drop sounds could be heard hitting the rooftop. Smooth thunder noises could be heard. A soft knock could be heard from behind and Wilbur walked in. Will slowly walked over and leaned against the windowsill. "Tech, are you alright? You are awfully quiet today."

Techno slowly moved his head and looked at Wilbur. "I'm worried about Tommy. He has been acing weird ever since he woke up. He seems to be out of it. I believe he had a nightmare again. Didn't you notice anything?"

Wilbur thought for a minute, "Not really. When I woke up, you guys were already training. And I don't think he's been trashing around at night. Still, I took notice too. Do you think he is starting to remember?"

Techno rested his eyes upon Wilbur for a while before slowly looking back outside the window, staring at the rain falling. "I hope not. Because if he does then who knows how he'll take it."

Wilbur crossed his arms, "it's been so long. We will find Dad, no mater what it takes and we will protect Tommy, no matter if one of us dies. Mom would've wanted us to do exactly that.", he sighed. "I cant imagine how traumatizing it must've been for Tommy back then.... Seeing as our mother gets stabbed and slowly bleeds to death.."

He growled and hit against the windowsill, "I will kill king Dream. No matter what it takes. And no one will stop me from achieving my goal."

Techno put his hands on Wilbur's shoulders, "Will, calm down. I want revenge as much as you do but please don't be so loud and rash. We need a strategy and more people to fight along with us. If a war breaks out, we have no other choice but to form an army. A revolution against King Dream and his followers if you must. And we will start as soon as we continue our journey. We'll search for fighters or people who I can train to be fighters. We should also ask Bad and Skep."

Wilbur nodded with a sigh. "You're right. We should. Let's go ask-"


Wilbur and Techno both froze and looked at the door. Tommy stood there, eyes flooded with angry tears. "So you both lied to me? About Papa. About Mama. About everything?"

Wilbur slowly tried approaching Tommy, "Toms please.... Let us explain."

Tommy had non of it and Techno tried to hold him but it was too late. Tommy ran out of the room and out of the house. Wilbur and Techno ran after him, but Tommy was the fastest out of the brothers.

Techno and Wilbur breathed heavily. They looked in the barn to see if Tommy had taken his horse but it was still there. They were worried. Really worried. They looked at each other. Techno spoke first, "We have to find him."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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