The start of a journey

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Chapter 2: The start of a journey
Dedicated to you ~SBI inc. fanfiction~

Cheaper 2

Wilburs POV

I couldn't tell how much time had passed since we got here. I'm not going to lie, the whole running away matter was a lot of stress. I- No. We had to leave our father behind, our dead mother in his arms. It was quite obvious that it traumatized Tommy. My youngest brother. Techno trained him so he would be able to defend himself when the time arrives. We were finally starting our journey to find our father, alive or dead.

Tommy had nightmares. So often that it scared me and Techno. He would randomly start to scream at night and roll around in bed, tears in his sapphire eyes. But he calmed rather quickly when me or Techno were there. I sighed and got Tommy a glass of water and held it towards him.

"Here Tommy, you need to drink something."

He took it slowly and took a sip before sleepily staring at me, "What time is it?"

I sighed and looked out the window, seeing as the sun started to rise, "sunrise."

I saw Tommy blink slightly as he yawned and Techno brought him fresh clothes. I looked at him and Techno looked back, nodding slightly and I understood. The time had arrived to go.

Techno and I were standing in the living room now while Tommy was getting ready.

"It's time. Exactly six years have passed, and Tommy seems to be ready."

I hummed to myself then turned to look at my younger brother, "I guess you're right. We can't wait any longer. Who knows if Dad's still alive.", I couldn't help but sigh, "It's going to be a very long journey. Did you saddle the horses and pack supplies?"

Techno nodded slowly. I smiled at him and took the photo that was standing on our chimney. I looked at it for a second, on there being our father and mother as well as my siblings and I. I folded it carefully and put it in my vest pocket. Then Techno and I saw Tommy coming towards us, all ready and dressed in thick wool tunica and a cape made of wolf fur. We were ready to leave.

Techno POV

I saw how Tommy looked back at our old house as we were riding further and further away. I smiled at the sight. We've spent six years in that house, preparing and planning this journey. Wilbur was 25 now and I was 22 while Tommy was 18. I can't believe how much Theseus has grown. I felt my smile form into a frown. It would be a long and tough way and I could do nothing but hope that Tommy and Wilbur survive this. The mere thought of seeing them hurt sends shivers down my spine. I couldn't bear it

We've been riding for a while and I could see the sun setting already. Has it really been that long? I've been in thoughts the whole time and didn't notice how fast time had passed. Wilbur stopped and patted his horse's neck, then turned to Tommy and I.

"It's late. We're going to camp here. It seems to be a good spot.", he jumped from Astrella, his Black mare and led her to a tree, where he tied her reins. Tommy and I copied his work. Tommy had a white stallion named Zeus, I was riding an Black white stallion called Histero. All of us were very close to our animals. we had raised them ourselves, all three horses were siblings whose mother got killed by a wolf. I patted Histero and he seemed to like it. With a smile, I gave him a sugar cube.

Tommy was already tightly asleep in his tent while Wilbur and I were sitting around a campfire. We set up torches all around the camp to avoid getting attacked by hungry wolves. I heard Wilbur sigh exhausted and turned to face him. He doesn't just sound exhausted, he also looks like it. I walk up to him and put my hands on his shoulder. "Will, you look terrible."

Wilbur looked up at his younger brother with a slight smile, "I'm fine, Techno. You should go and rest a bit, you know? We still have a long journey ahead of us. Be better if we were fully conscious." I slightly raised an eyebrow, "Says the right one. Wilbur I'm serious. Rest. You've been up for hours upon hours. If you stay up now, who knows if you'll be able to continue the journey."

I slowly sat beside Wilbur with a smile. "I'll keep guard. No worries."

"But techno! You also have to rest!"

"We can guard in shifts and I'm first. Now go and rest. I have everything under control."

Wilbur gave me a relieved smile and went into his tent.

I finally let out a sigh I had held in for minutes. Finally he went to sleep. Dear god, this an is stubborn as hell.

And with that, the night began.

Tommy POV (dream realm)

I fell asleep.... Right..? In a warm cuddly fur banket. So why is it so... cold? I slowly opened my eyes just to find myself in a snowy village, people were fighting left and right. Something was off about this whole scenario. Why was he suddenly so short? I looked at my hands and couldn't help but freeze. I was a fucking kid! How the hell... Just as I was about to complain some more, did I see a woman running towards me. She cradled me in her arms and held me tightly. So tightly I could barely breath! Geez woman! Get a hold of yourself! But... Somehow that woman looed familiar to be. I just couldn't figure out why.

Suddenly I saw a man in armor running towards us. Is he a knight? Did this lady kidnap me or-

He started to feel anxious. He couldn't say why but he clinged onto the woman, crying and nudging at her robes. "Mama! Mama I'm scared!"

Her smooth and gentle voice spoke as she genly brushed her hand against my cheek, "Shhhh.... Everything is fine Tommy... I'll protect you. Mama protects you.

Suddenly it hit me, out of nowhere. Mama.

She smiled at Tommy warmly, ripped a part of her outer robes off and tied Tommy to her back. She smiled warmly yet again before grasping a sword that lay on the ground and shielding attack from the knight. She put as much force as possible into her defense but after a couple more strikes she was starting to sway. Come on Mama. I now you can do it!

Suddenly a cough could be heard and Mama and I were forced onto the cold snowy ground. I vaguely saw a red stain in the snow, getting bigger with each passing second and just like that, the fight had ended and the knight was gone. I felt my mother move and unwrap me from the fabric as she slowly turned round to me and held me tightly. My eyes widened. No.... No...!

Her beautiful chocolate like eyes became dull. She held Tommy tightly and kissed his forehead as I cried into her arms. She let out a muffled groan but she remained still. She slowly fell limp with three words, that meant more then the world to Tommy. "I love you...."

Ringing filled my head as I stared at my mother's corps. No.... This can't be... NO!

After that, I vaguely remember anything. I just heard ringing as my vision went blurry. Suddenly I had fallen into darkness.

In the darkness, I saw a man. He was tall, blonde mid-length hair. He had... WINGS? Just like me...! He looked so familiar yet I couldn't put my tongue on it. He turned around and faced me with a bright smile, "Come on, Tommy! Mama and your brothers are waiting for us!"

Just then a small Tommy ran through me and grasped the mans hand. ...Papa?...

I watched as they both walked further into the darkness and disappeared. Chills ran down my body. Suddenly I froze and once again had darkness overcome my vision.

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