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Dearest Reader,

Last night, at the Bridgerton Ball, a Miss Victoria Prescott ,daughter of the Earl of Wessex, was caught unchaperoned with Mr William Fielding. One can not imagine what occurred between the pair however their wedding has been hastily planned to take place this Sunday.

Furthermore, the eldest Hackley daughter, described as unmarriable and unelegant by some, was dancing with the Duke of Norfolk, Mr James Lancaster. Could it be possible that both Hackley daughters are married by the end of this social season? The answer is unknown but it is certain that this would come to great delight to their father who is said to be returning from his travels before the season is up.

Lady Whistledown Society Papers, 12th June 1815


It was the next morning after the Bridgerton Ball and Esther was sat alone in the drawing room of her house, sipping away slowly at a cup of tea.

Her mind constantly recalled the moment when Benedict pushed her out of view of the person entering the room, although it only turned out to be his mother.

He was protecting her. Well, not exactly; he was more protecting her honour and reputation. To find a young lady and gentleman alone in a room would be a scandal.

Benedict may of face rumours for a couple of weeks before all returned to normal excluding a couple whispers now and then.

Whereas Esther's life would be ruined. She would of never found a husband, which was not the worst that could happen to her she believed. However her reputation in London would be destroyed and therefore her sister's too. She would be too embarrassed and ashamed to stay in the city and would die alone an old crow on a farm.

Esther was brought back to the present when she heard the front door open and Francis stride into the drawing room. "Good morning, cousin." Francis greatly brightly.

"I did not see you last night. Did you attend the Bridgerton Ball?" She asked with a slightly tilted head. "I certainly did." A smile grew on his face which she had never seen before.

"You are strangely happy." She commented which made her cousin roll his eyes. "I spent most of the night dancing." He took a seat opposite her in the drawing room, the wide smile there.

"Ah, that is why I did not see you. I tend to keep away from the ballroom." His eyebrows raised at her reply. "Really? Lady Whistledown reported you dancing with the Duke of Norfolk."

Esther's dark eyes noticed the gossip column on a  silver tray and snatched it up. She was yet to read Lady Whistledown that morning as she was too distracted by her hunger and had hurried downstairs for breakfast.

"Only once. He is a respectable gentleman, is he not?" Esther asked her cousin. "He is also a certainly wealthy gentleman too." She tutted and replied with, "Francis, you know I have no desire in wealth."

He only hummed in reply before she began to interrogate him. "You said you spent the night dancing. With whom?" A rosey tint appeared across his cheeks and he cleared his throat.

"Miss Diana Murray." He replied back. "The Duke's daughter?" She knew about the family since the Duke had gone into a tantrum about his daughter not being the diamond of the season, however Lady Whistledown reported that Miss Diana was not too fussed about the situation.

Francis nodded at her. "Dancing with only her all night?" She questioned with wide eyes. "No, no. We took a break for some lemonade."

"I believe you. Dancing all night would make one rather parched." Esther stated, watching as her cousin rose from his seat again.

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