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Dearest Reader,

I have been informed that earlier yesterday morning, the Earl of Somerset returned from his travels. One could only assume he has returned with the intention of interrogating Mr Bridgerton. All of the Ton shall pray that Mr Bridgerton survives this encounter.

Lady Whistledown's Society Papers, 17th June 1815


Esther lay peacefully under the cotton covers of her bed, sleeping soundly. She wore a thin night gown as it had became increasingly warm during the nights. The serene blue curtains blocked the sun which attempted to shine into the bedchamber.

The sudden echo of loud voices and footsteps woke the eldest Hackley up. As she rubbed away the sleep from her eyes as she got up and wandered towards the doorway, curious at to what that noise was.

As she wrapped around and tied her navy blue dressing down, she pulled open the door to find servants hurrying around with Anne announcing orders.

"Anne, what is the commotion for?" Esther asked, yawning as she was still rather tired. "Your father. He shall be arriving this afternoon." Anne replied as she stood by the doorway looking up the stairs at her.

"Did he give no warning?" Esther questioned. Anne shook her head as she gently rubbed her large belly; the baby would arrive any day said the doctor.

"None I saw until this very morning." Anne explained before ordering a maid to lay out the cutlery. "Isabella shall assist you in wearing your finest dress."


Isabella was applying a hint of rouge to Esther's cheeks when the front door opened and slammed with such force it echoed off all the walls. "That must be father." The girl announced before rising from her chair and approaching the top of the staircase.

Already wait at the front door stood Anne and Marie, how both smiled at the gentleman in the doorway. "Welcome back, father." Marie greeted the Earl, a wide smile from one ear to another.

The Earl, Henry Hackley, stood proudly with his head held high. His hair was a light chestnut shade, the same as Marie, with bright green eyes. He was rather tall with broad shoulders and a well groomed beard speckled with silver.

"Anne, how is the baby?" Henry asked as he looked down at his wife's large stomach. "Perfectly well and healthy." Anne replied with a smile.

The Earl firmly nodded before placing a kiss upon his wife's cheek when a servant approached him. "Lunch is prepared my Lord."

In silence, the family entered the dining room to find the table covered with roasted goose, potatoes and ham.

"My dearest daughters, how have you been?" Henry asked as she cut up a slice of ham. "Perfectly well, father." Marie smiled sweetly.

"Are you both courting?" He asked with raised eyebrows, awaiting a reply for this important question. "Yes, with Mr Bridgerton." A wide grin grew upon the Earl's lips.

"Bridgerton? Well done, Marie." He beamed before turning to his eldest. "I am afraid I am not courting, father." She stated as moved a strand of her curled hair out of her face.

Henry sighed. "You shall be courting when the season is through. I will ensure it." He firmly stated. "That is not necessary." Esther protested as she shook her head.

"Esther, do not argue back!" He demanded sharply, his voice stern and clear. "Yes, father." She muttered as she checked her head low.

Henry filled the silence of the room with, "I shall like to become acquainted with Mr Bridgerton." Anne suggested, "One could invite him and his family to stay with us at the country estate."

𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 -- 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now