One: Emmaline and Chase

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P.O.V Emmaline

Hmmmmmmm..... not quite I think to myself as I tap my pencil on my chin. I was writting lyrics to a new song I just wrote on my guitar and keyboard.

I was sitting on my made bed, keyboard and guitar lying next to me. Sheets of piano and guitar music, books, jounels, notebook paper and my iPod were scattered all around me on the queen size bed.

I play my new tune on the keyboard and sing the lyrics I have so far.

"Perfect!" I shout to myself as I find the words I was missing and I am able to finish up the song.

I sigh, stretch my sore back and look out my window.

It was summer vacation for one more month and everyone was rushing to soak up the sun.

My best friend, J.C, was throwing a party at her house tonight, and of course, I was planning on going. It was supposed to be one of those "summers almost over!" parties so everyone was gonna be there.

J.C, like most of our friends, lived in the more wealthy side of town along the lake. We go to a spendy private school and when the pressure of the semester finales wear us down, we can always count on people like J.C to invite us over for a party. Because her parents are strict and religious like mine, she never usually has parties unless they are out of town. Fortunatley, they are in Hawaii and wont be back for three more days.

J.C, and I grew up together and have always been best friends. So when she became athletic, pretty and popular, she had to drag me up there with her. Therefor, making me not so athletic, not so pretty, but still popular. Ironic, right? That is untill this summer. J.C and I started taking zumba classes which made me not exactly athletic, but an amazing dancer. J.C also convinced me to use more than just cover-up and brown mascarra. So, no one has seen the new me yet, but tonight, they will.

I check the clock on my iHome. 2:44 pm. The party starts at 3:00.

I stand and go through my closet. I grab a bikini, and toss it into my hand bag. It was tradition to always swim in the lake at someones house. No matter if it was 103 degrees in the middle of the summer or -20 degrees in the winter.

I search through my summer dresses and find a bright dark blue one with black lace along the bottem and along the top. It was a cute spagetti strap that J.C got me for my birthday this summer. It had yet to be worn and it would complement my bright red hair and blue green eyes.

Perfect, I think to myself as i slip it on and put on some black one inch high flip flops.

I turn and look in the mirror. Not bad. Don't get me wrong. I am not the bitchy rich girl who looks down on others because of my newly achieved appearance. I was the underdog once, so I know how that goes. Some of my best friends are so called "nobodies". People still dont usually 'click' with me because I still have yet to get a boyfriend. I also dont think I have a talent that makes me a real 'popular' person. I've told this to J.C and she said it was a bunch of B.S. She said that if people saw me sing, dance and/or play the gutiar and piano, they'd think twice before thinking I'm weird. I told her yeah right, when deep down, Im pretty sure she could be right.

I grab my car keys, sunglasses, and hand bag. I run down the stairs, say 'latter' to my parents and pull out of the garage in my red, 535 XI BMW. It had twin turbos, and was all wheel drive. I call it simply RED. Its my baby.

I smile to myself as a warm breeze blows throw my hair from the window. Party, here I come.

P.O.V Chase

"Hey Cali! How goes it, man?" Justin, J.C's older brother, gives me a half hug.

I get the nickname "Cali" cause my initials C.A stand for California. In other words, Cali. I know, can people be any less creative?

"Not much, bro. How's about you?" I reply as we walk to the backyard where the parties at.

"Eh, you no, same old." He shrugs and grabs a bottle of Pacifico from the cooler.

The backyard was unbelievably packed with chairs, tables, more tables holding food and punch, and people. Lots of people. Most were swimming in the lake.

"So, there's some hot chicks swimming...." Justin says as he raises his eyebrows a few times.

"Sounds good to me." I take the hint and smile.

I take off my shirt and smile to myself as I get tons of stares from girls. Hey, if you're a major athlete and you work out? You better have a six pack. And I'm not gonna hide it.

Justin and I race across the backyard, down the dock and canon ball. We laugh at the angry sun tanning girls who got soaked from our canon ball. A few of them are friends of ours and they jump in with us. They start splashing us and soon a huge water war breaks out as more and more people join in. Some even had squirt guns.

Justin and I laugh at the chaos we're causing as we dunk people shoot them in the face with guns we find floating around.

When it all settles down, Justin and I float on our backs.

"So, is it good to be back in small town USA?"

"Yeah, it is." I reply. Even though we didn't live in a small town, it was smaller than Sacramento, California. I was down there working for my Dad's company. I had just gotten back a week ago.

Suddenly, we hear a huge splash as water rains down on us. Another friend of mine, Christoffer, laughs as we spit and sputter. So he's the culprit.

Before you know it, we are all wrestling and dunking each other again.

The game is ruined when we all stop, for here came 270 pound Casey.

We all swim away as fast as we can as Casey thunders down the dock.

"Oh shi-!" Justin doesn't get a chance to finish for we are consumed by Casey's' wave.

Talk about the ultimate tsunami.
I can almost guarantee that know one, and I mean NO ONE, could top that splash. 

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