Four: Young Emotions

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P.O.V Emma

I stand off to the side and watch as the girls dance for Chase. They do a lot of twerking and rolling their hips and other seductive moves. I wrinkle my nose in disgust. Girls have really dumbed themselves down if that's all they know how to do. I mean, twerking was fine, it's just that if that's all they can do, well, your not very well rounded, now are you?

I've twerked before. J.C and I were actually good at it, but it wasn't my favorite dance move. I liked ballroom and breakdance. I've even watched ballet before, though I've never actually tried it myself. I kept an open mind when it came to dancing, so though I don't exactly approve of them just twerking, I won't comment or judge because of it. Their life, not mine.

Suddenly, Chase stands and starts doing pop and locks and other freestyle breakdance moves. I nod in approval to myself. I had to admit, as much as I despised the guys player side, I couldn't complain about his dancing. It was superb. 

The girls he was with try to match his moves with their own, but ultimately fail. They glare and roll their eyes at him and it doesn't take them long to remove themselves from the middle of the patio. They are almost instantly replaced by a few guys I didn't know who join Chase and they all move absolutely well together.

After the song ends, Chase leaves while the others continue to dance it up.

My eyes follow his retreating frame and then I see him meet up with J.C and Christoffer. I continue to watch as Justin also joins them and then abruptly leaves. He makes his way over to me.

"Hey." I smile at Justin and he smiles back.

"Cheers." We clink our bottles together and take a swig. Me of my Mikes (I'm not a big fan of alcohol unless it's fruity) and him of his Shock Top.

"So you got any plans for the rest of the summer?" Justin and I start walking to the lake which was empty of people because it was dusk and everyone was enjoying the beer and music up at the house. In short, it was nice and quiet down by the lake.

"Not really. Maybe get into some trouble with J.C, swim, go for a few drives, continue Zumba, ect." I say.

Justin laughs. "When you get in trouble, please don't get caught. I am not bailing you and J.C out."

I laugh too. "Dealio."

"What about you? Any plans?" I look up at him.

He tilts his head, thinking. "I don't know. Maybe get into some trouble with the boys, swim, go on a few drives, continue bugging my sister and her friend, ect."

I laugh and shove Justin a little. "Shut up! You're just mocking me!"

"But it's just so much fun!" He pokes my side and I jump and yelp.

"Don't you go doing that, Justin. I will get my revenge!" I protectively put my hands and arms out to guard me from any more attempts.

"Oh! So the Little Ginger does have a weakness!" Justin finishes his beer and tosses it aside.

I don't take any offense in him referring to me as the Little Ginger. He always has and he means it in a teasing manner versus an offending manner. I actually liked being called Little Ginger.

Justin makes a move to poke me again and instead of fending him off, I take off running down the beach. It doesn't take him long to catch up to me at all. He wraps his arms around my waist and starts tickling me mercilessly. I laugh and beg for him to stop as I collapse into the sand. Justin falls down next to me and we are laughing like crazy. I finally catch my breath and swing my arm over to land on Justin's stomach with a loud smack.


"That's for attacking me." I say.

Justin turns on his side and looks down at me. "That wasn't very nice of you."

"You're not a very nice person." My breath catches in my throat and I struggle to speak. His eyes were looking into mine intensely. In the light from the dusk reflected off the water and into his green eyes. They were already dreamy and this wasn't helping. His messy black hair was perfect, even after a day of swimming and messing around. How had I never noticed how handsome he was before? Damn. This could be bad. He was my best friends brother. Isn't that kinda not right or something in the society rule book?

"Not nice, huh?" He positions himself above me, an arm on either side and something that I've never felt before consumes me. My heart speeds up, the blood cells racing each other through my veins. My stomach begins to dance as if it had a personal stereo.

I don't reply and just lay there, unable to move. I had never dated anyone before so I didn't know what to expect when it came to boys. They were just boys. The unsolved mystery for me. I didn't know if I was ready to solve this mystery yet.

Justin smiles down at me. "You're so cute, my Little Ginger." Then he leans down.

I force myself not to panic as he brings his lips down to my collar bone. I shiver at his touch as he lingers there for a few seconds, then brings his head back up to look into my eyes.

"I really want you, but it's gotta be when you want me." He smiles kindly at me then stands. He offers me his hand and I take it. He continues to hold my hand as we walk back to the party. I try to process what had just happened.

"I didn't scare you, did I?" Justin looks at me.

I manage to find my voice. "No, not at all."

My head was dizzy and my collar bone was icy hot where he had kissed me. It wasn't even a full kiss and I was still majorly affected. If a little kiss did that to me, what would a real kiss do? Oh boy. I was in trouble. 

Justin seems relieved that he hadn't scared me. Far from it. The boy had no idea what he just did to me.

I sneak a peek at him as we walk, then I look down at our hands, still together. I was suddenly aware of his hand touching mine and it felt good, but new. Very new. Like trying on a new pair of jeans that feel great, but wont be perfect until you've worn them a few times to make them comfortable.

I almost laugh at that thought. If only he knew that I was comparing him to a pair of jeans. That'd go over well.

When we reach the party, we both look at each other and, silently, we both agree that it would be best to leave this unmentioned cause we didn't want to start any rumors or anything. So we let go of each others hand as we walk through the crowd. 

For the rest of the night, I steal a couple of glances at Justin and I can't help but to notice how cold my hand suddenly was. 

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