Two: J.C and Christoffer

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"Em?" I say as I continue looking out the window at my brother and his three friends.

"Yeah?" Em looks over in my direction. We had just finished catching up on all the latest events of each others summers. Hers, of course, were a little more interesting than mine. I told her that and she shrugged it off like whatever. I mean, you know, spending a couple weeks on a Caribbean cruise, back packing in the alps and visiting her family in Australia is no big deal. Psht ya. Whaaaatever.

"Can you keep a secret?" I glance at her, then look out the window again.

"Jeez, J.C. That's a stupid question. We've only been friends for like, what, 15 years?" Em rolls her eyes good naturedly and I smile. Em can be real sarcastic and totally hilarious.

I look back out the window and sigh. "I think I kinda like some one." I state felling really stupid for a second there. It's hard to admit you like some one sometimes. Even if it is to your best friend.

"Goodness! Who is it, J.C? You've got to tell me." Em walks over to me all excited.

"Of course I'm gonna tell you. We've only been friends for 15 years." I mock her.

She sticks her tongue out at me.

"Well don't you just act all of your 17 years." I smart back.

"Just tell me woman!" Em shakes my shoulders.

"It's Christoffer!" I manage.

"Really?!" Em claps her hands.

"Yeah......" I feel uneasy with all her excitement.

"We are soooo getting you guys hooked up." She begins to pace. "But how?"

"Em, don't start." I cross my arms.

"I know, I know. You know I have a hard time talking to guys anyway." Em looks to the floor.

She was right. I always had to be the brave one. Em was outgoing and brave, but she had a few things that she was scared to do.

1) Talk to good looking guys

2) Dance in public when people know its her

3) Sing or play her piano in public when people know its her

The sad part is? When she actually does any of those things, she's really good at it.

"We shouldn't worry about it though. I think he might make the first move soon." Em heads for my bedroom door.

"Wait, what?" I follow after her.

"It's obvious he has a thing for you, ya know." Em and I walk down the stairs.

"He does?" I hope.

"Well, if the end of last school year was any indication, then yes." Em points out. "I haven't seen anyone but you this whole summer, but I imagine he still feels the same."

I bring up the memory and blush. The last day of school, Christoffer gave me a kiss on the cheek and said there's more where that came from. I was completely caught off gaurd and a little nervous so I had avoided him all summer. But now...... I think I want more where that little kiss came from.

"Man, I hope you're right or I'm gonna lose my heart." I say

"You're a tough cookie and I am sure he still likes you." Em assures me.

Em follows me as we head out to the party. It was about five. Man, Em and I really did have a lot of catching up to do if it took two freakin' hours to talk.

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