Chapter One

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Lucille Blake. She had all the qualities required to be the hero, the one the goddesses need to entrust. She is the chosen one!

A shimmering object was falling from the sky. That object was none other than B.L.E., the device the goddesses had sent to Earth. It's job was to scan Earth for all the potential candidates to possess this enormous responsibility, and it had found the girl.

What it did not expect was...

Wait! Come back! Don't walk past me!

She was not observant.

Who was observant, however, was a boy named Roxas Adler. As he came walking to school that day, his eyes picked up something shiny. Immediately, almost like a raccoon, he walked towards the object with high interest. His russet eyes gleamed as he reached out, picking it up. By the looks of it, it was a pendant the shape of an egg. It was primarily gold with three teardrop shapes inscribed at the center.

Before he could speak- the pendant started to glow, "what-" The glowing brightened, enveloping him into a cloud of colors. "What is happening?!" Roxas squeezed his eyes shut, the light burning into his mind. Then it stopped.

You're lucky you stopped the transformation before anyone spotted you.

"Who was that?!"

It was me!

Roxas's eyes trailed to the pendant in his hands, "how... you-you're a pendant!" He was absolutely bewildered.

I'm not just any pendant. I was a pendant sent down from the divine Estella, Lovelyn, and Viria. You have picked me up, which means you are the successor.

Finding the thought of being seen talking to himself, Roxas quickly made his way home. Thankfully his mother worked the morning shift so she wouldn't see him ditching class, but he didn't think he would have an opportunity to fully talk to the alien technology he currently had in his hands. So at home he set the pendant on his desk and spoke, "you said you were sent down here by what? The divine what? And what do you mean successor?"

I just told you, before you ran off of course. Estella, Lovelyn, and Viria. The three goddesses of light. By successor I mean you are the one who will protect your world.

Roxas snorted, "yeah right. Why should I believe anything you say?"

Because I am talking to you through your mind, aka telekinetically, and that bright light that surrounded you was part of your transformation process. I was sent here to find a successor and that is you.

"Well, I don't want to be. Find someone else," Roxas insisted as he flopped onto his bed, the mattress making him sink from the added weight.

I cannot, for you picked me up. Since then I will be tied with you for life.

"What?! That's not fair! How was I supposed to know the shiny thing would do this?!" Roxas had sat up abruptly and by his tense body he was not having any of this.

You weren't the one I had in mind either, so don't take this out on me. If only Lucille wasn't so aloof!

"Lucille?" Roxas rose a brow, "Lucille Blake, right? She does seem like... successor of light material, but yeah she's kind of an idiot."

Exactly, so she walked right past me and then you saw me! You look terrifying by the way. The bags beneath your eyes make you look like a ghost.

"Look who's talking! Your a necklace without a body! AND you chose an idiot and got stuck with me," Roxas snapped back.

It doesn't matter now, what does matter is you accepting this duty.

"What if I don't accept it?"

Then your world will be thrown into perilous danger and everyone you know would be in trouble.

Roxas sighed and looked at his feet, "I'm not savior material... you really got stuck with the worst kind of person."

What kind is that?

"The kind who doesn't care, the one who likes to be left alone."

You'll get nowhere with that attitude. Now come on, with this responsibility you also get cool powers as well.

"..." That seemed to get the gears moving in Roxas's head as he paced his room. He stopped after a moment before turning to the pendant, "okay... I'll try it out, but what does this magical power entail?"

You'll be transformed into a stronger version of yourself! One built on the bases of compassion, love, and purity!

"Right..." Roxas grabbed the pendant and looked at it, "what is your name?"

I am an A.I. called B.L.E. It is an acronym for Beautiful Legacy Enforcement! Her divine Viria came up with it!

"Okay. Billy it is."

No! It's B.L.E.!

"Dude, I'm not going to say each letter when Billy takes me, like, a second of less effort," he smirked, "you're the one who needs me, remember?"

Humph! You better become a good successor!

"So, how do I use this power?"

First you have to swipe your right thumb across the goddesses' insignia and say any phrase you would like for the magic to activate.

"Uh..." Roxas swiped his thumb as he said: "Activate?" He gasped as the glow came back and he was thrust into the cloud of colors once more. This time he did not close his eyes and watched as his clothing disappeared off his now sparkling body.

"Please nothing colorful-" he chanted like a mantra, and piece by piece the outfit came together with the end of the light show.

I know you said no colors... but how did you manage to get black?!

Roxas looked down at his outfit, embarrassment filling his body. The outfit was black and leather-like that reached his midthigh. The collar reached up and around his neck tying into a huge black bow that the bottoms reached above his ankles with the pendant as the centerpiece. Speaking of ankles, he had black leather (thankfully heeless) boots that reached below his knees. " I don't have a mask, people are definitely going to know its me."

Don't worry! People are going to be too focused on the fact there's a magical girl- er- I mean boy, fighting whatever is in the need of fighting! Besides, it gets rid of the sleepiness from your face so you actually look healthy!

Roxas felt his eyebrow twitch with irritation, but he kept it under control as he looked at himself in the mirror, "this is stupid... I'm going to end up ruining your whole plan..."

Even if you do, I'll be there to back you up. I am your personal assistant after all!

"If you say so..." Still, he couldn't help the worry that clogged his mind. After swiping his thumb over the insignia again he found he could transform back, the pendant appearing back into the palm of his hand. "I should probably put you on a string or something..."

Yes, that would make it easier to keep track of me.

Roxas carried Billy to his mother's junk drawer that she kept in the closet, and found a roll of black lace. He sighed heavily as it would be the only color that matched his everyday wear, so he begrudgingly wove the pendant onto it and tied it securely around his neck after he fastened clips. "Here's to a less boring life, I guess..."

With that Roxas went out the door to his school, not caring he missed the first and second classes.

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