Chapter 9 : Blood Related

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After the men and Yvonne leave, the room goes completely dark. Pitch black. Billie and Santiago stay in silence for a while. "Are you sleeping?" Billie asks in a soft wobbly voice.


"I'm scared..." says Billie trying to see Santiago in the darkness.

"I won't let anything happen to you." he grabs her hand to comfort her.

"How can you be so sure ? Look at yourself! Look at where we are !"Billie begins to sob loudly.

"Shh, everything's going to be just fine, don't worry about it."

"What are you gonna do tomorrow?" She sniffles as she says that.

Santiago sighs."Nothing. I deserve whatever punishment they give me. I broke the fundamental rule here."

"Why can't you give the item back ? What is so important in an object ? Just leave it and we can go back home..."

"You don't understand! Of course to you it's just a simple object but to me it's the only thing I have left of my mother. I just took back what belonged to her." he answers in a tight voice, letting go of Billie's hand.


The next 24 hours were the hardest they've ever faced. No food and no water, tied on two chairs. The next day,the men followed by Yvonne enter the room. "Here's some food and water. We forgot to give you some before haha." Yvonne throws the food in front of the captives.

"Leonardo, untie them." orders Samson.

"Yes boss." Leonardo unties the cords off their hands. Billie shakes her hands, finally free. "I guess that means we're going to die, look how kind they are to us." Bills says, making Santiago grin.

"How did you two sleep? I hope it wasn't so bad." asks Samson.

"It was a unique experience." Santiago answers before taking a bite of the brioche that's in front of him.


Yvonne tilts her head looking at the boy in front. "I bet you must've been praying for it to end."

"I don't know." confesses Santiago. "Sometimes I pray for patience. Sometimes I pray for a gun."

"You want to kill your own family?"

"You're not my family."

"Yes she is." argues Samson. "Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what."

Santiago's jaw tightens."Ironic coming from you."

"You alienated everyone you loved. And now ? You're all alone." added Mr.Vintanza.

"He's not alone. I'm his family." says Billie.

"Aw how sweet of you." mocks Yvonne. "Give me a break. I'm like 90% sure you took that out of a movie. "

"So what ?"

Yvonne nods."You're right. So what ?"she kicks Billie in the stomach making her puke out the bread she was eating. What an ugly view let me tell you that !

Santiago gets up before being held back by one of Samson's men."You b-"

"Enough chit chatting. Son, have you decided what you're going to do ?"

"Do what you want to me, just let Billie go."

"No, I'm not letting you do that !" argues Billie holding Santiago's arm. He pushes her off. "Shut up ! This has nothing to do with you !"

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