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broken restart ark

chapter 1


(in the red forest)

alter was resting thinking on why he lost his cool in that rap battle aure he cared for his brother but for him to lose his cool over something so little ...

Alter: im going back to my old way back when i was alive ... actually alive

His monologue was interrupted by the distant scream of Sonic calling his name

Sonic: * in the distance * alter where are you this is important

Alter: ' I'll send him back later '

Alter thought but he was interrupted by the next

Sonic: tails is danger

And thats how alter apered next to sonic

Alter: where's tails

Sonic: he still at the base

Alter: im going to go get him

Sonic: wait

Alter: wait why

Sonic: look some alternate version of xeno attacked us luckily somehow tails help us to escape but Encore our xeno and tails stay behind

Alter: well then even more reson to-

???: as much as I hate to admit it I have to agree with Sonic, altar

What's your face palms before getting ready to turn around saying

Alter: really rosie now your agreeing with-

Alter was stopped by a nosebleed from looking at thorns

Alter: rosie why are you like that

Rosie: what like it

[ shut up I just stumbled Upon This I Swear ]

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[ shut up I just stumbled Upon This I Swear ]

Fw amy: and you are

Fleetway amy asked looking rosie up and down

Rosie: im rosie i help alter keep his pocket Dimension safe and happy

Surge: well what ever you do i guss alter must like you a lot 😎

Alter becomes red before trying to change the subject

Alter: and why do you agree with sonic Rosie

Rosie: well i just happen to get a call from my sister explaining to me what just happened turns out she broke the chains

Alter: ok and

Rosie: she struggled to break those chains

Alter seem to get what rosie was saying, Cassandra my be the weakest of the reality breaking emeralds but she definitely would be able to break some normal chains so for her older sister to say she struggled ... this is bad okay so what to do maybe some help but from who.

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