9. Effect

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Kabir's POV

I was clicking selfie with her .. she was so stubborn .. her eyes were red and swalloen because of crying .. I dont know why she just can't accept me .. If she will have accept me I didn't do anything forcefully what I am doing now ..
I hear her words that she Hate me .. I start burning from anger I don't know what I will do in my anger .. But suddenly she fell on my chest .. I was thinking what just happened .. Her brother scream broke my thoughts .. I call her but she didn't reply me ..
I was shaking her body and calling her name ..

" Kitten hey wake up what happened ?.. "- I asked panicking..

Her brother come to near us and jerk my hand from her face .. but her body was leaning on me ..

Shivam - " Can't you see my Di just fainted ? This is happening because of you, I am telling you If something happened to my Di I will kill you with my bare hands.."

I didn't give any f*ck to his babbling I quickly pick my kitten in bridal style and ran towards my room ..
I place her in my bed cover her with Quiet .. I kiss her on forhead then call my bodyguard to bring a doctor ..

"You will be fine .."- I said ..
She was looking like a sleeping angel .. she was looking so innocent while sleeping but while awake she was a fierce kitten .. she back fire my every words ..


It's been f*cking 20 minutes why the hell doctor didn't come yet ?
- I asked to my bodyguard who was standing bowing his head ..

Go and bring any doctor in 5 minutes or I will cut your head did you get that ? - I said furiously .. what the hell they Can't even bring a doctor in time
Can't they saw my Kitten didn't wake up ..

Bodyguard - "Y..yes Sir .. "

"Go now .." - I said ..

After 5 minutes A lady doctor come inside my room .. yes A lady doctor I am very possessive for my kitten .. I can't let any other man touch her ..
She done her checkup after 15 minutes ..

Doctor - "she is fainted due to stress, her BP is also low and I think she doesn't eat anything from morning .. I have given her an injection, she will regain consciousness in a while.."

"What ?" .. - I asked .. my kitten didn't eat anything from morning
She was this much disturb ..
This is all my fault ,but what I can do she is the one who was denying my orders..

Doctor -" Yes, you don't know .."

"No.. " - I said ..

Doctor - " By the way who are you ? what relationship is your with her ?.."

"I am her Fiance .. " - I said while controlling my anger .. this doctor has definitely a death wish .. How dare she asked question to me .? No one dare to Asked questions to me ,I am the one who asked and other answers .. who is she to asked about me and my Kitten relationship?

I was clenching and unclenching
My feast for controlling my anger .. one bodyguard come inside room and saw me ,he know my anger very well .. I can kill anyone right now..He took the doctor with him.. I went to my Kitten and sat beside her ..

"I Love you so much My Baby " - I said caresing her face ..

Akta's POV

I felt someone is caresing my face .. I slowly open my eyes and try to adjust with the light ..
After blinking three four times
I well opened my eyes.. I saw that murderer touching my face..
I immediately got up from the bed.. But when I got a slight filter ,I caught the light Stand ..
He immediately get up and come forward to hold me ..

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