30. Disorder

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Surprise  🎉🎉

Third person's pov

What the fuck did you said?” – He asked and hold his collar tightly.

“Sir, please leave him”- Raghav said.

“I will not leave him didn’t you hear what he just said. He said my kitten leave me. She ran away. I will kill this bastard.” – Kabir was choking him to death.

“Yes it is true. She was not in mall she escape from there.” – Raghav said fearfully.

“How can she escape from there? What these fuckers were doing there. You all are worth for living you can’t keep eyes on a women. Because of you she escape you all nothing but losers so you don’t need to anymore.”  – Kabir yelled and pull out gun from his pocket.

“S...sir we are so sorry. We will find mam. Please don’t kill us.” -  They all said in unison.

“You were unable to do a simple task how can I believe that you will find her. It’s better if you will be dead.” – Kabir said putting gun on guard’s head.

“Sir please have mercy on us. We promised you we will find her in 24 hours.” – Raghav said bowing his head.

“You have only 6 hours go and find her. Before night she need to be here or you will be in hell. Because of you my kitten is not in my side go from here before I kill you all. GO AWAY.” – He said commanding.

Everyone leave from there immediately. Kabir face was showing no emotion. He went near the couch and sit. Every maid and workers looking at him in fear they all know that this is a silence before coming a tornado. He was looking so peaceful from outside but everyone know their boss that when he became this much silence that mean he is too much angry. He can kill anyone this time.

“EVERYONE LEAVE RIGHT NOW.”– A commanding voice break the silence it was none other than Kabir. Everyone leave from there and went there home because no one want to become a lion’s prey.
Kabir get up from the couch and went near the electricity board and switch off the lights.  Whole mansion got filled with darkness only in some places were visible because of sunlight that was coming from windows. Kabir was standing in a corner of hall where her photo frame was kept.

“So finally you leave me. You leave me alone in this big mansion. You finally able to leave me. Are you feeling happy kitten. You must be feeling happy kitten because you escaped from here which was cage for you. Am I right kitten?” – Kabir was saying these things with no emotion.

“Ha……ha…..ha….. haa haa haa what are you thinking about me kitten that I am a road side Romeo. Who can forget his love after his love went away from him. No I am not like them do you Know I am a cold blooded lover. When I love someone then that person will be mine till death. What are you thinking that I will let you go so easily no way you were bounded to me when  I saw you first time and not you will be mine forever. Just let me find you then I will cage you in a real cage and never let you escape.” – Kabir was looking like a mental who just came from mental asylum.

He was looking down all the time when He looked up there were some unknown tears in his eyes. He was not sad he was not too much angry but there were some unknown emotion in his eyes.  He look at her pic and smile sadly.

“Do you know kitten? I was always alone in this big mansion. But when you came here this mansion become lively. My life got new spark I got new aim for living. I love you so much. No one in this world can love you as much I love you. Why did you leave me why you do this? Here in heart there is a pain which started from the time when I hear that you leave me. And it is increasing every passing minute I don’t know how to stop it. Please tell me something.” – His tears escape from his eyes.

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