15. Manipulate

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Third person's POV

Today is wedding in Agrawal House . The whole house is decorated like a bride. Guards are guarded all around the house. Kabir has done all this. Because he knows that his kitten will definitely try to run away from this marriage. Even though there is a marriage in the house, there is mourning on everyone's face. No one wants to let this marriage happen but everyone is helpless . They know that if this marriage does not happen then that mad Kabir can do anything with his family and daughter. Can go to any extent.If he gets married then maybe they can see their daughter. Otherwise, Kabir will take their daughter and hide her somewhere where they will never be able to reach. Everyone was sad at heart but they were trying to smile.

Akta was sitting in her room as a bride. Her friend was trying to make her laugh.
They knew that no man can smile there is so much pain in his heart .they saw her friend this much broken for the first time and they can't do anything for their best friend. One can only watch the spectacle by tightening it. They can Only see her friend being him, whom she hates with her core.But can not do anything, what a compulsion this is.

Anjali - "Akta I don't know what
to Say ? I just wanted to ask you one Question. Can I ?"

Akta look at her with her teary and swallow eyes and nodded her head .

Anjali - "why you didn't run away yesterday ? When we were arranged all the things ? Why?"said in anger she was controlling her anger from very long time .

Meena -" I have also the same question ? Why are you doing this marriage without your will ?"

Akta look down at the floor and tears again coming from her eyes. Shreya look at her friends with anger .

Shreya -"Why are you both making her sad when she is already so sad . You also know why Akta is doing this marriage ?Never mind, I'll tell you. "

Akta hold Shreya's hand tightly
and gesture her to stop.

Shreya - "No, let me tell them don't stop me. "

Flashback :-

Everyone was sitting and looking for a solution to the problem named Kabir.

Shreya's Father - "I think you all should leave this city as soon as possible. "

Avdhesh - "But where we shall go?
He will find us. "

Meena's Father - "You all go to my maternal uncle's village which is in Hyderabad. And anyway, in a week from there you guys leave this country and go. We will do everything, you just have to go. "

Avdhesh - "But .... "

Anjali's Father :" what But ? He is right . You don't have to do anything I will go and get the tickets . Just we have to pretend that we are accepting Kabir's decision Ok . "

Avni - 'But he is very clever, he will definitely find out. "

Meena's Mother - "Why are you thinking like this? Everything will be fine. "

Everyone made an advice to follow this plan and Meena's father and Shreya's father went to get tickets. All the preparations were done in the night. The Agarwal family packed their luggage. His train was at two o'clock in the night. It was just eleven thirty. Everyone was resting in their rooms. everyone was resting in their rooms.

Akta was also lying in her room.There was a fear in her mind that something should go wrong. His phone rang suddenly. When she picked up the phone and saw the caller ID, her hands started trembling. The phone fell from her hand and fell on the bed, the fear was clearly visible on her face. The phone was ringing continuously but she did not pick up the phone. After sometime the phone got disconnected. Immediately a message came on her phone.
With trembling hands she picked up the phone and seen the massage.

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