I thought you were my friend!

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Hi my name is y/n and I have been bullied by a girl named Chelsea. She hates me and I have no reason why. Then she stopped bullying me because of Chris. Chris stopped her from bullying me and Chris are friends now.
Chris-hey short stack
Y/n-Heyy Blondie
Chris-"laughing" really Blondie but anyways what you doing today after school
Y/n-umm do my homework if we have any and idk why
Chris-well I was wondering if you wanted to go bowling.
Y/n-sure I would love too
Chris-iight bye "walks to class"
Y/n-"follows behind him"
Mr.Darwin class
Mr.Darwin-hello class turn to you books to blah blah blah
Chris-"taps y/n on the shoulder"
Y/n-"turns around" yes Chris
Chris-why aren't you following along
Y/n-it's the last period of the day and you know damn well you aren't listening to him.
Chris-haha your right
Mr.Darwin-am I interrupting y'all conversation
Y/n&Chris-no sir
Mr.Darwin-"continues to read again"
The bell rings
Y/n-"puts her books in her locker and closes it"
Chris-you ready to go
Y/n-ahhh "jumps" oh Chris you scared the crap out of me and Yess I'm ready let's go.
Chris-"laughing and getting in his car" okay leggo
Y /n-I'm beat yo ass in bowling
Chris-you not talking to me lol
Y/n-"pushes chris" shut up
Chris-we are here "gets out of the car"
Worker-Welcome to the Bowling Mania. How may I help you.
Chris-yes I would like 2 games and tells the dude your shoe size and his.
Worker-"gives him his shoes and yours" that will be $10
Chris-"gives him $10"
Worker-thank you and have a fun time
Chris-come on so I can beat our ass
Y/n-"looks around" are you talking to me.
Chris-nah I'm talking to myself
Y/n-haha it's so funny my person almost laughed (got that from Princeton Mindless Behavior)
Chris-"laughing" what the hell y/n
Y/n-it was funny "laughing"
Chris-shut up and lady's first
Y/n-then why aren't you up there than.
Chris-haha you got jokes
Y/n-"laughing" I sure do
Chris-get yo ass up there
Y/n-okay okay "gets a bowling ball and rolls it down the lane" ha ah nigga I got a strike. "sticks out her tongue"
Chris-it was a lucky shot "get a bowling ball and rolls it down the lane" damn
Y/n-it's okay you only had two standing
Chris-oh hush
Two Hours of Fun
Y/n-haha you thought you were gonna win
Chris-oh shut up I let you win
Y/n-yea right
Chris-we are at your crib
Y/n-thanks Chris I had fun time tonight
Chris-me too "hugs you"
Y/n-"hugs Chris back" bye
Chris-"drives off"
Y/n-"walks in the house" Mama I'm home
YM(your mama)-Heyy sweetie where have you been
Y/n-oh me and Chris went bowling
YM-that's nice I have to tell you something honey
Y/n-mama can it wait until the morning mama I'm tired.
YM-okay goodnight pumpkin "kisses your cheek and hugs you"
Y/n-night "takes a shower and gets in the bed"
-what do you think y/n mom has to tell her
-do you think y/n&Chris would be a item
-let's find out

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