My Dream

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Okay y'all I had this dream yesterday I meant to post but I forgot. I have no clue why I had this dream anyways here it is.
Phone Convo
MichaelBear💕🐻- Wake yo ass up BootyCakes
BootyCakes😋❤️- lol really but I am up
MichaelBear💕🐻-I'm coming over I have to tell you something.
BootyCakes😋❤️- okay I'm going to get ready
MichaelBear💕🐻- iight see ya
I put my phone down and went to take a shower. After I took my shower,I walked over to my closet and put on some light blue high waisted shorts, a white crop top that says Hi My Name is Whatever,some timberlands, and a camo jacket.
My phone started ringing
Chris-hey baby
Y/n-hey baby what's up
Chris-getting ready for this party
Y/n-oh yea I almost forgot
Chris-you want me to pick you up
Y/n-no I'm going to drive up there but thank you
Chris-okay well see ya later love you
Y/n-love you too "hangs up"
Y/m-Michael is here
Y/n-"walks downstairs"
Y/m-Michael you grow up on me "hugs up"
Michael-haha mrs.y/m
Y/n-Heyy Michael "hugs him"
Michael-hey y/n
Y/m-I have to go to store bye guys "leaves the house"
Y/n-so what did you have to tell me
Michael-umm sit down "pulls you in his lap"
Y/n-"looks at Michael" tell me
Michael-y/n I'm in love you with you more then a friend
Y/n-Michael you know I'm with Chris
Tyga-"kisses you"
When Tyga kissed me I was shocked I didn't know if I should kiss back or not,but I ended up kissing back. Things got heated he start fingering me. I loved it at first but then I stopped him.
Y/n-stop Michael "fixing my clothes" I can't do this
Michael-no it's my fault In sorry "leaves your house"
Y/n-Michael "running outside"
Michael-"drives off"
Y/n-damn "checks her phone" shit I forgot about that party I will go to the party then check on Michael.
So I drove over to the party where Chris was at. I was looking for Chris and couldn't find him. So I asked Trey if he knew at first he didn't want to tell but then he said he's upstairs. I walked upstairs and saw Chris having sex with some hoe.
Y/n-Chris I can't fucking believe you "leaves the room and runs to my car
Chris-"fixing his clothes" wait y/n "runs after you"
Y/n-"opens her car door"
Chris-"grabs you" y/n it's not what it looks like
Y/n-fuck you Chris you know we are done you can go back to fucking your hoe "drives off"
I pissed and hurt that Chris would ever cheat on me. I drove over to Michael house. It's raining why would it rain now so I ran to Michael door and I'm soaked and wet. I start knocking on the door and Michael opens the door.
Michael-y/n what are you doing in the rain
Y/n-"kisses Michael"
Michael-"kisses you back and pulls you inside" what about Chris
Y/n-"looks down" he was cheating on me
Michael-damn look y/n what I said earlier is true. I am In love with you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life.
Y/n-aww Michael "hugs him"
Michael-will you be my girl
Y/n-"kisses Michael" yes I will
Michael-I love you
Y/n-I love you too
Y'all I have no clue why I had dream about Michael aka Tyga and Chris. I said let me put this as a imagine. I meant to write it yesterday but I forgot.

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