the only one 'maybe'

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Twin Flame What?

By: Rosa Danae Borlock


I have not met my twin flame. And I have only read about it. but I am a spiritualist well... I'm more into researching the magic born from these lines of thinking. The psychological effects it has on people. The religions behind these kinds of things and where they are born from. Think of me as like a free-for-all spiritual learner. How the mind and spirit work together. And how many interpret these things. untell I have gone through it myself I won't know what it is like for those who do experience these things.

One of the things I want to specify here is I don't know if it is an intensified effect of eye contact. Our emotion towards that is the same for all humans. Looking into the eyes of any person you like will strengthen the bonds we share chemically. If it is stronger for twin flames. It would be a fascinating discovery. But every human will experience that to some degree. Some could even be more sensitive to it as a person and might not be able to tell.

But I also have a side of me that believes in this stuff without being scientific about it. I like to say I have a group of scientists living in my head at all times. But I doubt I have a chip in there controlling me whenever I do anything. Watching how I write. Listening to me talk to myself. Seeing ghosts through my mind. Kidnapping all my spirit friend. I don't like this mental dysphoria. I have looked into medicine I just have an allergic reaction to them. So I can't get on medication. And I have like schizoid something I forget it. so yes take everything I say with a giant grain of salt.

I have seen ghosts, demons, and even some gods all my life. I can't escape them. I learned all my magic from spirits. And all about the twin flame thing from them. If I don't have a chip in my brain and am being experimented on in a sneaky way by random scientists. Who found a way to get past the whole human experimentations not aloud here rules? Just tell them I have gone mad it works every time. No do you want to know what I know? Or do you want to be sure what you know about this?

If you want to know what I know then don't control me. If you want to share control me all you want... but otherwise. Know this I will break through one of these days.

Now that fun disclaimer is over. Let us start this whole twin flame thing. I will explain it in your terms.

Chapter one: the start of twins

I hear the meeting of a twin is intense when it comes to love. But like I said before I don't know what that is like. Not meeting mine and all of that. Remember I might be starting but I do have so things I have been noticing. That love. Is well. Love starts sweet in all relationships. Not just twins. For so long it has existed aka the honeymoon phase. So like it is intense for everyone chemistry is like that. That is more the physical if anything else. the sex is phenomenal. Everyone says that of the crazy girls and guys you aren't to have sex with 'cause they mess up your life.

If you ask me that isn't what you need to look at what you're looking for in this 'twin'. Also saying a relationship is just like only spirit and that you aren't meant to be in a relationship. That isn't it either.

Ok, I will list them all. All the ones I know so far.

Ø Karmic

o This is past life payback you own either a good or bad debt. That must be paid back by learning your lesson with them. Find the past life will help with that ask your spirit or whatever god you believe in to help you remember their past with you. Find the pattern in those memories to move forward. And fix or understand why you feel the way you do.

Ø Soul mate

o These are those you connect with. they have the same interests as you. May even mirror you slightly. They are those you fall in love with half of the time soul mate is a soul you are close with because you have been in many lifetimes together. You have a bond from all those lifetimes. You feel like you know them because of all those lifetimes with you. Most twins say you know your twin by feeling like you know the person. You have known many people along with your twin. The level you know someone is the key to being able to tell if it is a twin flame or soul mate. You know a twin as you know yourself. A soul mate from external knowledge from your past. I know what you are feeling. (twin) I understand how you are feeling(soul mate) is the difference there?

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