I stared into the abyss

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I think last time I said I was done with this rabbit hole.

I need to ask something. What is the point? Of all of this. I think I went crazy because of all this. So I need to know how does destroying one's mind and sense of self brings one love. What is self-love? Those things fight one another. Next, I must ask. Are you healthy right now in mind, body, heart, and soul? Why look for a fated one? When you make your own fate.

Have you all been looking at yourself? Or at what you want to be. Wanting to fill the void with something. But why is that void there in the first place? Why the loneliness? Even when you talk to people. Many of you are a part of the world working in one way or another. So then why are you all looking for something like this? Something to save you.

Well, a lot of people do talk a lot about have dangerous it is out there. Talking about a vengeful god so we fear. Talk about a loving god as long as we do what they say. That a devil is out there. Others talking about death. All these things are things I was exposed to. Everyone knows death. Everyone knows dread. Everyone knows pain. Sorrow.

I have one more question for you. Why do we fear sorrow to the point we shut it out? It is ok to cry when you are having a tough life. It is never the end tell we met death. Books all have endings. And we don't regret reading it. when a project is finished we feel relief and accomplishment. So then why fear the death that will come to all?

Sometimes we look for something for so long that we forget what we need. We ignore what was there all along. We look to futures that may never come. And dread death. The sorrow of life is ignored. When the pain of right now is not dealt with your future self will have to deal with it. but if you never do deal with that pain and sorrow. It will consume you. As it has everyone before you. And all who come after. Why hold on to the past pain of your own life and the lives of others? When you still have a future.

When you have a future why not work for the best outcome? After all, you don't want to be in pain. Or sorrow. And if there is nothing you can do then. Why are you holding on to something that will only hurt you? I get that life isn't fair. What is stopping the world from becoming fair? Despair? Misery? Self? Desire? But then ... why live? Desire is what keeps us going.

Helping others is also a desire. Saving them from pain by bringing them to nirvana is a desire. That drives life to exist that desire is necessary.

Self is life. You are yourself even when you have no identity. Because you still exist. Your mind is alive. And that is life. as long as you live you are yourself. No matter your mask. Something need to wear that mask after all. You are behind your mask your persona. Your mind is ego and self. It wears that persona that mask. You are your shadow you cast. No one else can be your shadow. You are still you. You view the world differently and you exist. But everyone else exists too.

Is it misery? No misery is born from the world hurting you. You would not feel misery if you were not hurt. For if there is a wound you feel no pain. But you can feel bliss without a wound.

Despair. Why do we despair? A step past misery. Prolonged misery can become despair. And despair becomes depression. And it is born from the world being unfair.

I ask again why is the world unfair. Does anyone really gain from misery? From despair. From depression. The sad answer is yes. But the long answer. If you can gain from despair. Then can you gain from bliss? And yet. Those who benefit most from everyone's despair. Refuse to learn how to do that. The world is unfair. Because those in power do not understand. That there is also power in helping others. Instead of stepping on them. Until they learn how to benefit from something other than misery. Then the world will never become fair. And it will die and be infested with maggots of corruption.

Well, good luck. I have stared too long at the abyss I cannot guild you out of this despair. For I am still in despair. I cannot help an unfair world that refuses to learn. I cannot help truth. Nor god. But I also cannot help demons and lost ones. I learned that the hard way. I will go back to my slumber soon. I will wake up to watch shows. But I have nothing to give.

Nothing but the naive ramblings of a child.

And twin flame is just your new way you're trying to save yourselves from misery.

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