I am soo into twin flames guys

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Chapter 2: how I feel about twin flames.

Ok, I need to get this out of the way. I am not very accepted by anyone. I have a really bad attitude. And I blame others for it. that is what most people nowadays do things. Well, I want to go into that. Blaming one another. Or always blaming yourself for life. How it hurts you and the others around you.

It is hard to be nice when I see online some cycle of things happening over and over again. People are ready to attack one another over some of the smallest things. People trying to help but not wording it right. Or being confrontational just to get their advice noticed. And others putting it done or just getting mad. Which is understandable. But then why do you listen when others give you stuff that hurt you more than anything else?

I want to talk about... working to avoid those in your life. Numbing yourself until life becomes gray... and or graying out. And always being mad at the other for not being with you when you make it clear you don't care about them and you're just pretending to care just to get in to have sex and then leave as if nothing had ever happened.

First, if all you see them as is sex then why should they stay? You could use the money to get a sex worker. Why would anyone want to be with someone that only wants sex? That isn't love that is lust. Most of us want families, to be respected, to work together on the same footing, or even to be husband and wife. If you want to stay in the past then tough luck. The past is what got us here. You just didn't see it.

Women have been fighting for their rights just as much as any other who has been oppressed. That is why we find stories about land governed by women so fascinating all across the world. Not just the amazons. So tell me... why would we not want to be on the same footing as our male counterparts. Working together not against one another. Are we evil because of this? No, we are not. And men are not evil ether. I don't know why we cling to this idea of either side being evil. That was never the case. Both men and women have done terrible things in history. But both have also done beautiful things as well. You just haven't looked for it.

Working yourself to death will solve nothing. All work and no play leads to something darker the just boredom. It can lead to our own destruction. You can already see that in our world history. Look at all the world has to offer. Or something now would take everything from you. Ignoring the past is not what we have done. Many rewrite the past so we can't tell the fairytale from real life. But there is always something real hidden in our fairytale. How we hurt one another. Is one such thing.

Numbing yourself tells you, you can't do anything. It may help get you by day after day. But that doesn't mean you are fixing what has been broken in your life. You heal first. Then you find what broke and you fix it not by worrying day after day. But through action.

To heal you find pleasure in the mundane. Like reading a good book. Writing, drawing, and making something you always wanted to do. It doesn't need to be good to heal. It doesn't need to be perfect to heal yourself. It just needs to exist. Whatever it is.

It is the fixing that is the hardest part. After healing you must find what broke in the first place. Your home. The love you have for another. Only you will know. It is what you have been running from for who knows how long. You must confront it. in some way or form. If you need help reach out to someone you trust. If you have anyone. Which I hope you do. They will always come to mind when you need that help.

Resolve if you got hurt while trying to fix it. go heal again. Then come at it from a different angle until you find what you can do. If your head is filled with what you can't do. Then there is a little trick for that. Ask how do I know that. How do I know it will fail? Have I tried this before? If I have what is something new I could try? Is there a way out? A circle spirals now out of control. Now point and say the spiral becomes a line. And this is my way forward. Once you do this. If no answer came to your mind. Then take the quiet and the calm and do what you wore scared to be before. If you got an answer do it with no question it was you finding your way through. This is how many find their truth and clarity. Question, test, and then find your way forward and take that first step.

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