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I would like to thank WattpadDarkFantasy for adding this story to their reading list! 

Shadow's deft embrace

Tiger, drunk on gratitude

In its depths, finds grace

Taiga can still feel the blood on his skin. No matter how many times the tongueless women and men have scrubbed him from head to toe, somehow it's still there. He, yet again, succumbed to his temper. A voice tells him that a big part of his reason for slaying those traitors was to terrify Captain Hyuuga. It didn't work. The man still sees him as a boy who throws tantrums when he doesn't get the respect he desperately wants. He knows that he is still a child at heart, and he despises it. But he doesn't have a choice. He was never supposed to be born into this world, to begin with.

Years ago, before his cousin left them, he'd witnessed how patient Aomine Daiki was. Anger etched from the corner of his mouth to his blazing dark eyes as he heard all the harsh whispering behind him. He had every reason to lash out, yet he never did.

"Of course, a dragon has more patience than a tiger. It's not your fault," his mother would say.

Taiga shakes his head, stepping out of his chamber. Unlike the other royal members of the Palace, his chamber's walls are bare. He stripped away every Azure Dragon tapestry that used to hang there. It didn't feel right. He asked his father to replace all of them with the Golden Tiger, their family's insignia, and their god, next to the Azure Dragon.

Kagami Osamu refused vehemently, saying that it wasn't time to replace the Azure Dragon, and that how dare he even suggest such a thing? If he had listened to his son's hasty request, the people would have revolted.

So, without any choice left, Taiga removed the banners, the tapestries, or anything that reminded him that he didn't deserve his position as the Crown Prince.

He still feels the same way.

Even if it had been all for the sake of being an heir, he would never be able to forgive himself. But, as far as he knows, he did the right thing, even if it sometimes feels like his past is imprisoning him.

Perhaps they would have treated him better if he had killed Aomine right then and there. Many do blame him for the possible return of the Cursed Prince.

As soon as he is out of his chamber, Akemi greets him.

"Have you been standing there the whole time?" He arches his eyebrow, looking behind her.

She shakes her head. "No, my Crown Prince. I was just about to pay you a visit."

"Be that as it may...where are all of my guards? Surely, they ought to be near me at all times, lest some unseen danger strike?"

"Your father has summoned them all, for reasons I have yet to know. Don't worry. Who would dare to lay a finger on the Tiger of the South?"

Fear blooms in his chest. "Do not say that aloud! What if somebody's listening?" he whispers sharply, pulling her back to his chamber.

Akemi only laughs. "You worry too much. There's no one here. I checked before coming here. Do you think of me as someone careless? Now, would you be so kind as to accompany me to Aunt Tiea? It's time for my reading."

Suppressing a weary sigh, Taiga nods, offering his arm to Akemi. She accepts it gladly, her calloused fingers curling around his forearm.

He begins to take a step when the hair on his back stands up. A shiver goes down his spine, and his knees are suddenly weak. Taiga turns around, quickly searching for any spying eyes. Akemi must have sensed his disturbance as she lets go of his arm and becomes alert, just as he is.

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