The Lies We Tell

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Silver tongue whispers

Truth concealed in pleasing lies

 Ears crave sweet deceit

 "Your brother is right. This is a fine drink. You do know how to mix them well." Aomine Hiroko lifts the teacup and shakes it gently, letting the tea inside it slosh around the brim without spilling. She sighs in satisfaction, telling Shigehiro he did a good job as she takes another sip and smiles at him through quivering lips. The tea's warmth paints her cheeks with a rosy hue.

Shigehiro does his best not to breathe out in relief. Instead, he bows his head and humbly says, "Her Ladyship is so kind to a worthless servant like me."

Observing Aomine Hiroko, Shigehiro notes the simplicity of her adornments compared to those of the Queen Consort. Her dark hair with white streaks is wrapped into a modest bun atop her head, with one long strand flowing down. It doesn't have the lavish grandeur that's usually associated with royalty. Instead, it is tied with a single Ji pin. It's the same kind of pin that Kuroko wears every time he is not dancing; it's no wonder why he is often mistaken for a lower-ranked Dancer. Aomine Hiroko's Ji is adorned with floral patterns reminiscent of azure serpent scales. The hue creates a striking contrast with her black dress.

However, upon closer inspection, Shigehiro's mind reels with realisation. The intricate patterns on the pin, resembling the scales of a serpent, suddenly transform in his mind's eye. They morph into the Azure Dragon, albeit without its characteristic eyes. Of course, she used to rule this kingdom, but why does she look more like an ordinary noblewoman?

The former queen is about to take another sip but stops on her track. With an arched brow, she focuses on him. "Worthless?" She chuckles. There's a loud clink when she places her teacup down on its saucer. "Ah, I had been abed for so long that I had forgotten how the servants addressed themselves. Such a pity. Very well, then, Shigehiro of the Ogiwara family. I am commanding you to never refer to yourself as such. Your talent begets respect. Do you not believe so?"

Initially, he perceives her lipstick to be brown, a standard colour in the South, but as her smile persists without flashing her teeth, he sees that her lips are barren of any beauty liquid. Her lips are almost as dark as leather, despite her already dark complexion.

Shigehiro feels a lump in his throat and forces a swallow. Is this some sort of test? Back in Fushogane, he had never been adept at addressing those of noble stature, but things are so much more complicated here that he feels like passing out whenever someone speaks to him.

Aomine Hiroko must have sensed his discomfort as she fans the air with her brittle hands as though dispelling a bad aura. Once again, she chuckles. "You need to calm down, boy. I know the South has been challenging for you and your brother, but now that I have taken you under my wing..." She purses her lips and then stretches them into a gentle yet foreboding smile. " will face more hardship. And that's not because I am harsh. I simply have many enemies here. Frankly, I should hand you to the other nobles. Someone who doesn't pose that much of a threat to the current head monarch. But your expertise in mixology has captivated me. Yes, I am being selfish."

His throat is raw, and blood rushes to his ears as he struggles with the weight of his idiocy. What a fool he had been to believe in this woman's sincerity and to think she could be better than the deceitful Crown Prince Kagami! Of course, she harbours enemies within these palace walls. What royal figure doesn't? But to blatantly admit that she could have made his life easier but chose not to? He finds no amusement in her jest, even as she snickers at his expense. She had been abed for many years. Surely somebody had poisoned her, and who knows if he could be next?

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