It's Time To Duel

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"It's time to d-d-d-d-duel!!" Yu-gi-oh is the bomb.


"GET YOUR OWN SYRUP!" Well, then. I don't need him anyway! I paused the TV and walked over to the kitchen. "Hmm, if I were syrup where would I be?" I mumbled to myself.

"The syrup is on the top self." I jumped practically 60 feet in the air, hearing Castiel's voice randomly. I turned to look at him with an angry face, I know it wasn't his fault, I lately I've been super moody and I don't know why.

"You're about to start your menstruation, that's why everyone is avoiding you today." Wow, thanks Cas.

"I'm choosing to ignore you." I rolled my eyes and focused on the syrup on the top shelf. Dammit. Too short. Foiled once again. I let my lips form a slight pout before I just walked back to the couch to continue my show.

Today was definitely a lazy day. I had on my grey hollister shorts with an oversized hoodie from high school. My hair was pulled back into a messy bun and I'm pretty sure my breath smelt horrible, due to the fact that I have yet to brush my teeth today. When I unpaused the show I immediately starting humming along to the tune of Yu-Gi-Oh's theme song. For a cartoon character that pharaoh guy was really hot. I mean how many guys do you know that could pull off leather pants? Pharaoh Atem apparently.

"She's day-dreaming about the dude from Yu-gi-oh again." I heard Sam's voice back in the kitchen, I didn't have to look back to know that he was on the phone with Dean. I miss that dude. We haven't seen each other much since he went on a hunt for a Changeling. I wonder what's taking this mission so long. He usually doesn't take this much time to handle business. I felt my lips go into another pout. I feel like Dean is hiding something over there and I want to know what.

"J.C, can I speak with you?" Castiel's usually blank face showed a bit of worry. Must be something serious. "What's up, dude?"

"Well, I want to know if you're okay. You haven't been yourself since the nightmare attack at the hotel. Tia is worried as well. She said you haven't been answering her phone calls anymore." I grabbed Castiel's coat and pulled him a bit closer to me with clear rage in my eyes.

"Listen I'm fine, okay? Now I think you should do something useful, like finding out what's taking Dean so long on this hunt! He won't answer the phone or even text me back, yet he is constantly talking to Sam all the time. Something is going on and I want to know what." I slowly let go of him and backed away a little. That was kind of mean..

"Hey, I'm sorry. It's just I've been on edge lately, and I don't know what Dean is-"

"Dean found out that he has a kid." It's always something with this guy! Like, damn, can't I get a break? I did the only thing that I could think to do....


"J.C, you've been in that room for 24 hours straight! You need to come out to eat..or go to the bathroom! Maybe even shower!" I heard the door knob jiggle, Sam was trying to open the door, but it's locked. Ha, suck on that.


"WHAT THE HELL SAM! YOU CAN'T JUST KICK DOWN MY DOOR!" I screamed at him. Where am I going to find another one of those? Ugh.

"Listen, I don't know what Cas told you, but this needs to stop. Now. It's like you're a completely different person!"

"You don't know me!" I huffed and pulled my green bedsheets over my head. I felt the bed shift a little, Sam probably sat down. I heard him take a deep breath before I felt him lay down next to me. However, I still refuse to come out from under the sheets.

"You have to understand.." Well, I guess Sam does know what Cas told me after all. "He was a different person before he met you, well with women that is." I came out from under the sheets, practically throwing them off. I gave him a pout.

"What do I do?" Sam always knows what to say. He was in his regular blue jeans and a plain gray shirt. Classic Sammy. All he did was give me a look and I knew what I had to do.

I leaped up from the safety of my bed and ran to the closet to grab some jeans and a random shirt. I'm on my way to set this shit straight. Maybe this journey could even put us on a new path for finding out Lilith's next move. Only one way to find out. In a flash, I was already dressed and in the restroom brushing my teeth. "Keys,keys,keys.." I heard a small jingle and looked up to see that Sammy had my car keys in his hands. I lunged at him and grabbed the keys then proceeded to dart out of the house...without shoes. Dammit, oh well. I think I have some in the car. I unlocked my Silver Mustang and jumped into the drivers side. Just as I start the car and was about to peel out, Sam opened the passengers side and climbed in. He gave me a thumbs up and buckled his seatbelt. I'm kind of a crazy driver.

"It's time to duel.." I quickly backed out of the driveway and sped down the street on to find Dean.

"Okay, you really need to stop watching Yu-Gi-Oh.."



Hey guys! Sorry for the weird and short chapter. Hopefully this chapter kinda puts me on a different track because I didn't really like the way it was going from the last chapter! And I recently became obsessed with Yu-gi-oh..oops lol ANYWAY! I'm gonna try my hardest to do weekly updates! So stay tuned!

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