The Specialist

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Guys! I'm sooo sorry,it's taken longer than usual to update! Volleyball has been so time consuming!

Quick Note before you read! I decided that Chyler Leigh will be cast as J.C. I love her in Grey's anatomy as Lexie Grey,I see her personality in J.C,too. She's more than qualified to play her!

I'm so excited for the next chapters!! Sorry if you guys feel like the romance is going kinda slow,but seriously you're not going to meet someone and know them for a couple of days or weeks then have sex.


Plus,I wanted J.C's background info a little more out there,so I could just focus on her and Dean's relationship.

Well that and I've never really wrote any sex scenes and I don't want to disappoint,I hate it when people end with 'and then we spent the rest of the night in bliss.' Uh,no. This ain't no innocent book! That was me attempting to be a gangster,which obviously failed.


"Mom?" I couldn't believe my eyes,I was standing face to face with a woman that looked almost exactly like me. Her dark shoulder length hair just made her fair flawless skin look lighter. Her lips were full and a dark red,with big brown eyes. This woman was the definition of perfection.

"J.C." She said smiling at me. I felt my eyes start to water as I smiled back at her. I ran to her and hugged her with all the strength I had. I felt her arms wrap around me,rubbing my back.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment,mom.." I told her,soft sobs escaping me. I looked up at her to see her still smiling at me.


"If it's about Dean,I don't want to talk about it.." I told her slightly pushing away from her.

"Sweetie,I know he's not your favorite person right now,but you two were-"

"Made for eachother. I got the memo." I interrupted,rolling my eyes. Cassiel's smile faded into a look of worry.

"I just don't want you to become an Angel of Darkness,I mean it even sounds stupid!" She exclaimed throwing her hands in the air. I chuckled at her silliness.

"Dean is too busy getting laid,anyway." I sighed remembering the passed events that happened in Missouri.

"J.C,Dean is a guy. They make massive mistakes. I remember your father drove me insane! But I still love him with every ounce of my being." I bit my lip,wanting to ask the question I've been wondering my entire childhood.


"Yes,dear?" She asked putting her hand on my cheek. She knew it was coming because my eyes were starting to water again.

"Why did you leave us?" I tried so hard not to let my tears fall,but my eyes were stinging. Cassiel whipped the tears away with the sleeve of her white floor length dress.

"J.C,I never left you and your father. I've always been with you guys. Watching and protecting you from a distance. " She said with a heart warming smile.

"Protect me? From what?" I asked,confused.

"I've been trying to hide you from demons and other supernatural creatures that would want to take advantage of you,influence you to go against Heaven." She said with a stern face.

"Then why couldn't I stay in Heaven with you?"

She bit her lip and averted her eyes away from my gaze.

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