Chapter One.

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'Oh heavens.. Gather around!'
'What, is the Blessed waking up?'
'Great, she's waking up.'
'..that's..that's a Male...'

Luciel was resting in the position of a cat, moving around a bit as he slowly opened his eyes. He looked puzzled, only seeing slightly glowing feathers in front of him. He went to poke the curtain of feathers, only to feel an tingling sensation down his spine. He flinched from it, having the feathers draw back behind him. He seemed to be on a hovering cloud, as his gaze followed the cloud, and up the staircase in front of him. Before him stood stood five people, dressed in the usual white and gold. There was a Lady who twirled her parasol around, giving a curious look to Luciel. Next to her, a slightly shorter woman chuckled to herself as she watched his confused face turn into a slight panick, as he noticed the long, red snake slithering around her arm and neck. He looked towards the three men, looking even more bewildered. One had his hands in his coat pockets and a jet black face mask, giving a cold, silent glare to him. Another was a merman inside a tank, resting his head against the rim of it and giving a wink. The last was a part male, part cat, who eagerly clapped his paws.

'Please, rise, Blessed One!'

The woman with the parasol announced as she gave a kind smile. The masked man simply looked away, out of what seemed to be either boredom or annoyance. Luciel watched him, as a pit grew in his heart. Something felt wrong about that man.. Nonetheless, he looked back to the woman with a Parasol, and stood up. He saw as they all looked up rather high to him, only to have him more confused. Looking at his body, he came to the quick realization that he grew taller. Much taller. The previously 6'0" man grew a solid 13 inches, making him 7'1".

"What- Why am I so huge?"

Luciel immediately noticed that his mouth felt a bit too open, he didn't have his bandages on. He rushed to cover his mouth, before the part Cat man pounced forward, and grabbed his arm. He hugged it, looking towards the woman with a parasol.

'Celeste, Celeste! Fix him!!'

'Oh, don't manhandle our blessed one..'

'I'm not! It's a hug!! Have you never heard of affection?!'

'Okay, okay, shut.. Shut up now, Parker..'

Celeste closed her parasol and placed her hand on top of the tip. It glowed for a moment, as she walked up to him with a kind, innocent smile. Well, right before sending the tip of the parasol straight into his wounded mouth. Luciel winced and dropped to his knees, holding his mouth from the immense pain he felt, along with feeling the sense of his skin being pulled together. The pain stopped abruptly, confusing him as he looked up to Celeste.

'Blessed one..How long have you been suffering with the burn? 10 months, yes?'

Luciel narrowed his eyes, frowning in confusion and now worry. He felt around his mouth, feeling no trace of the wound whatsoever. He stared into space for a moment, trying to figure out what's happened. The woman with the snake kneeled in front of Luciel, having her dangerous-looking red snake slither down her arm, and right in front of his face. The snake hissed and opened its jaw widely, revealing a diamond, so crystal clear and reflective that Luciel could see himself in It. And to his shock, the wound was still visible to him. Before he could speak, the snake woman chimed in.

'Well, you're worried about why you still see it, yes?~ Confusing to a fresh mind like yours, I know. I'll explain.'

'Ever since you've experience that accident of yours, you've been more worried about who sees you with that scarring versus being worried over the fact you have it. Your insecurities are getting the best of you. Tell me.. When you looked into the mirror, what did you think when you checked on the wound every time?'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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