Top 10 things to do before I die

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it was getting a little to Fluffy around here anyways 

Kunikida writes more then just ideals down in his diary, but of course it's not meant for anyone to see, what happens when someone else gets their hands on it?

Listen to the song while your reading it's gonna make sense also song is not mine it's made by YonKaGor so credit to them for this BANGER :) (also don't worry abt me i am mentally stable)


Attempted Sewer slide


Kunikida was currently doing 2 things

1. Writing in his diary

2. Doing his paperwork

But what exactly was he writing in his Diary, well nobody really knew. Well he did but the information in their was something he'd well.......rather not share. 

"what would the others think if they saw it, they would try to interfere, they would get in the way, I'm doing this for them. I don't need them stopping me. I don't need help, I'm perfectly fine, fine ,fine, yea that sounds right"  

Everyone knew Kunikida was the textbook definition of a Work-Acholic, they just didn't know how BAD it actually was. They didn't know how BADLY he wanted to just pass out. That's all he did, work, and not pass out. Eventually it got boring, so Kunikida made a plan. 

A plan for how he wanted to die

It was a perfect plan in kunikidas head, all he had to do was search it up online, and work off of that. He had had this plan in his head for months. But he was finally ready to go through with it,  there was only one problem....

What if his friends found out

"could he even call them friends?"

"did they think he was annoying"

"well of course they think your annoying"

"can you stop reminding me? I already know!"

"Ugh for now sure"

this is what kunikida did he would argue with himself and he didnt know why he did. He really was the only person he could trust. But even now, he didn't even know if he could trust himself. 

But he didn't have time to worry about that, because he knew he would be gone soon, all he had to do was make sure nobody found it. Now there was one problem with that, that kunikida wasn't aware of. Because he overworked himself and got 10 minutes of sleep AT LEAST, his brain wasn't working as fast as it usually would. If someone ever asked him a question he would usually come up with a response quickly, but now, it took him about 2 minutes to decide what to answer with, but he just brushed it off, he didn't have time to worry. It wouldn't matter anyway

And this is where his perfect planned would eventually fail, when exactly?

When he got up to use the bathroom.......That was when it fell apart

POV change:

Dazai watched as Kunikida got up from his chair and went to the bathroom "perfect" he thought 

He got up and went over to kunikidas desk and sure enough there it was,

his diary.......

AS he opened he flipped through the first few pages, everything was normal, until he noticed one in particular that stood out to him. the page was titled

"top 10 things to do before I die"

1. Don't say goodbye to anyone cause they'll just forget about you

Kunikida one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now