Tredding water

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I overuse the line *character* said so much so don't mind that my writing sucks help-

Ok I know my one shots have been angstly lately but like I just had this good idea so here you go😘


The agency was getting increasingly more worried about Kunikida

They had noticed something off about him, they surprisingly they hadn't noticed until now

Like for example

If they were ever crossing the street, Kunikida would never look both ways before he crossed, and sometimes one of them would have to pull him onto the sidewalk

Or whenever they were on a tall building, Kunikida would never watch out if they were walking on the roof, even if it was a 100ft drop

It seemed to them that Kunikida had little care for his safety

And they were going to find out why


"I'm worried about Kunikida, aren't you guys. I mean he has 0 care for his safety!" Ranpo said 

"If you ask me I think there's something wrong with Kunikida" Atsushi piped up

"Me too, poor Kunikida I wonder what's wrong" Dazai said worryingly

*I know there's something wrong with him, I have an idea of what it might be. But I don't know how to bring it up* Yosano thought to herself

"I don't exactly know what's wrong with him? But I know that there's something!" Ranpo said

"I know there's something wrong with him too! I'm worried about him. When ever we cross the street, I have to pull him back to the sidewalk because he never looks for cars and almost got hit by a truck once" Atsushi frantic we said

*But if I don't bring it up, then we won't be able to save Kunikida. I know I should bring it up. But how do I do it with out stressing everyone out more then they already are!?* Yosano continued to argue with herself

"I remember we were trying to save some orphans from a burning building. And me and Kunikida were with them on the roof waiting for the helicopter to come and get them. But when we were walking back. Kunikida never stayed away from the edge and the building was 100ft tall" Dazai confessed

*That's it*  Yosano said in her head


"Do you think Kunikidas "



"W-why, why would you think that Yosano?" Atsushi said in a worried tone

"You heard Dazai, Kunikida didn't care how close he was to the edge and it didn't seem like he would care if he fell at any moment and died!" She spat out

"B-but he wouldn't, no he couldn't. Not K-kunikida, no" Dazai himself

"I kind of have to agree with her, it's the only conclusion we can come to" Ranpo agreed

"Well if he's suicidal, we need to help him" Atsushi said

"But how do we help him, you know he hates confrontation?!" Yosano asked

"I think I have an idea" Dazai reassured the group

*Timeskip brought to you by Auktagawas secret my chemical romance stan account on Twitter🙈*

The agency was quiet for once, I mean there wasn't any reason for it not t

But that's because everyone was worried

Kunikida one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now