My Perfect Fit

1 0 0

150, 225, 500, 1000...

Balloons, sailboats, magic castles...

Each puzzle has a different picture. A different amount of pieces. A different story to recreate.

You start with, choosing the one that speaks to you most, Amid all the possibilities.

Then, you slowly open it up so as not to scatter the pieces right off the bat.

Next, you sift through and find the edges, to build your framework, your foundation.

Lastly, you begin to fill in the missing picture.

Though it is rare, I believe that there is a pattern to puzzles that mirror the dance of love.

Love should be carefully determined, grown slowly, and then you will get the reward of the final product.

Luckily, as challenging as it was, the love I have is worth every single piece. 


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