Sleep With Me?

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--Your POV--

It was Friday and school just ended, I was walking to the gym when I notice Fuutarou and Itsuki together from afar. Could this be? Is Fuutarou getting confessed to? I got closer without being seen to hear their conversation.

"So you are only doing this for the money?" Itsuki shouted.

"Who the hell would put up with a brat like you if they weren't getting paid" Fuutarou shouted back.

"I will never accept your teaching!"

"And I'll never teach you"

I was speechless, Why did I think he was getting confessed to and why is this guy so dumb? I decided to leave before I get caught and lose Itsuki's trust.


--Your POV--

After witnessing the stupidest argument of my life, I went to the gym for a quick workout session then I went home to take a shower before making my way to The Pentagon for a study session that I totally didn't forget about. While walking to The Pentagon, I ran into yet another one of the quintuplets.



"Yo, Are you going home?" I asked.

"Yes I am," Ichika responded.

"Cool, I'm coming over for another study session."

"Ughh! At least you're there so it'll be less boring." Ichika said.

Ichika and I walked together back to The Pentagon. I've never really talked to Ichika before outside of study sessions. We both just walked in silence, Awkward silence.

"So, How was your little date with Nino?" Ichika broke the silence.

"That's how what you're going to start with? Really?" I asked.

"You got anything better to talk about? Plus, I'm curious."

"Fine, It was good, We just got some bubble tea and went to the arcade," I replied

"Wow, What a nice first date," Ichika said.

"Shut up! It wasn't a date, Nino probably doesn't even like me in that way."

"No, She definitely likes you. Trust me, I'm her sister. I would know. She acts so much more different when she's with you."

"What? For real?" I shouted.

"Yeah, I even saw Nino sneak in a kiss on your cheek after the fireworks festival."

"You saw that!" I shouted again.

"Yep, Trust me. She likes you." 

"Oh ho, Someone's blushing. Does that me you like her back?" 

"I-I mean I like spending time with her and seeing her happy makes me happy," I said.

"You like her too. Admit it." Ichika said.  

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