Turtlejou rOmAnCe?

83 3 11

Advicegiver: Heyy Kinkajou!


Advicegiver: You have been given a dare!

Kinkajou: YAY!

Kinkajou: What is it?

Advicegiver: @Frostflowerthehybrid wants Turtlejou romance, doesn't matter what!

Kinkajou: *Turns a light pink* OH! I mean- if the people want it.....

Turtle: *Pops out of nowhere*
What about Turtlejou?

Advicegiver: Perfect! You're both here. *Teleports them both into a hot air balloon with a picnic basket and a radio playing soft, romantic music*

Advicegiver: *Turns invisible and follows them*

Turtle: *Cough* So-

Kinkajou: I like your scales! They're super shiny today, Turtle!

Turtle: *Blush* Oh, thank you! You look very pretty today, Kinkajou.

Kinkajou: Thank, buddy!

Turtle: *Visibly pales* B-Buddy?

Kinkajou: *Nods* You're my best buddy!

Turtle: *Sad* Oh...... *Turns the radio to depressing, sad music*

One.... is the loneliest number, that you'll ever do...................

Kinkajou: JUST KIDDING, TURTLE! Woah, don't do that! *Turns radio to happy* Please!

Turtle: *Chuckles nervously* OHHHHH! Okay! Don't trick me like that again! Hahahahahahahahah :(

Kinkajou: *Boops him on the nose*

Turtle: *Blushes*

Kinkajou: Let's eat! *Grabs picnic basket*

Turtle: *Nods*

Kinkajou: *Digs talon in and pulls out a crossbow* Huh?

Turtle: *Frowns and leans closer* What could that be for?

Kinkajou: Theres two of them, but that's all that's in here! *Gives one to Turtle*

Advicegiver: *Screams bloody murder*

Kinkajou: AHHHHHH! *Shoots crossbow accidentally*

*Pops the hot air balloon*


Kinkajou: Turtle! We can fly!

Kinkajou: *Grabs onto Turtle and flies him to safety*

Turtle: Oh......hehe *Smiles sheepishly*

Kinkajou: *Giggles and lays down next to him in the grass*

*Holds talons*

Kinkajou: Thanks for this, Turtle.

Turtle: No! Thank you for this.

Advicegiver: Awwwwww *Smiles*

Advicegiver: *Ends video recorder*

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