The Truth Of Darkstalker

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Advicegiver: Hello! So, today is going to be interesting!

AG: Lakecloud has dared the Jade Winglet to tell Peacemaker about Darkstalker, and what happened. Oh dear....

*Jade Winglet and Peacemaker appear in a dark room*

Qibli: What is going on?

Winter: I hate this.

Kinkajou: I was just about to eat a juicy mango!

Moon: This is truth or dare, ain't it?

Turtle: I believe so.

Kinkajou: Oh! Then it's fine!

AG: Jade Winglet, please explain what happened to Darkstalker.But start from the veeeeryyy beginning.

Moon: *Glanced uncertainly at Qibli*
Should we?

Kinkajou: Yes

Qibli: He should know. *Staring at Winter*

Winter: *Narrows eyes* I thought you defeated Darkstalker forever...?

Kinkajou and Qibli: Weeeeeeellllllll....about that-

Turtle: *Blurts the whole story in under ten minutes*

Winter and Peacemaker throughout the whole thing: 😐😮😬😕🤯😤

Winter: *Starts raging*

Peacemaker: Am powerful! *Laughs in strawberry*

AG: Well that was eventful! :D

AG: See you all later! ^^

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