*Agressive Starflight Eye Twitch*

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Advicegiver: Oh dear....This will not end well.

Jade Winglet: Is it for us?

Ag: No.

DoD: *Gulp* Us?

Ag: Yep.

Ag: Specifically Starflight.

Starflight: 0-0

Ag: Lakecloud  said for the dragonets of destiny to take away Starflight's scrolls for a week.

Starlight: *Eye twitch*

Sunny: You'll be okay, Starry!

Glory: He's probably going to die.

Tsunami: *Steals all the scrolls and hides them*

Clay: *Chewing on a cow*

Starflight: *Dying inside while silently screaming*

Clay: *Chewing on a cow*

Glory: Yep, he's totally not gonna make it.

Clay: *Chewing on a cow*

Sunny: *Gives him a hug*

Clay: *Chewing on a cow*

Starflight: *Screeches*

Clay: *Chewing on a cow*

Tsunami: >:)))))

Clay: *Chewing on a cow*


Starflight: *Is ded on ze ground*

Tsunami: *Laying asleep on the ground with popcorn falling out of her face*

Glory: *Sighs while gazing at Starflight's corpse*

Sunny: *Crying*

Clay: *Chewing on a cow*

Advicegiver: I think that went well!

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