Tsunami, NO!

71 2 12

Advicegiver: ...... I-

Everyone: What?

Ag: Tsunami, this dare is for you.... *Trembles*

Tsunami: ...Okay? Should I be scared?

Ag: No, but Anemone should. And mabye even Riptide.

Anemone: *with sass* What? Tsunami can't do anything to me.

Ag: The dare was..... for Tsunami to eat Anemone.

Me: A personal favourite *wink*

Riptide and Starflight: TSUNAMI, NO!

Tsunami: Tsunami yes!

Anemone: She wouldn't do that. Mother wouldn't allow that.

Tsunami: *Triggered*

*Ten minutes later*

Anemone: *Is tied up in ropes and slowly rolling overtop of a fire.Her scales are turning a light brown colour and her eyes have even replaced with x's*

Coral: Tsunami CoralReef Stingray Saltwater!

Riptide: Oh no....not the full name! *Hides behind Clay*

Coral: SLAY, B****!!! *Slaps talons with Tsu* I can't believe my dream is finally happening!

Ag: I- You still have to eat her.

Tsunami: *Scarfs down dead Anemone like sushi rolls*

Riptide: AqWwlfjwlalamqnqowkdbruiekwmqnsbfbapwkermygirlfriendjustatehersister wowjqmamdjekwjw

Clay: Run while you still can.

Glory: -.- Please, Tsu, this is normal you.

Starflight: Technically it's not illegal.
Nor cannibalism. Because we are animals, and animals eat the same of their kind all the time, it is not truly placed in the category of 'cannibalism'
Therefore it is also not illegal, not that cannibalism is actually really illegal.
Some would argue, saying those who chose to kill and eat another of their kind deserve to be thrown in jail, or even killed themselves, but, it is not just because it's completely legal.

Everyone: *Snoring*

Ag: Well, Uhhh, thanks for the creative dare, AKa_amazing1 !!

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