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"Nee another one today Naoki? You sure are popular!" The blonde-haired girl said to her friend, as she picks up the gift and shakes it. Once she was done, the girl hands the gift to its 'owner'. It was a box, neatly wrapped in purple gift paper. Her favourite.

The red-haired scoffed at the gift and shoves it back to her friend who looks at her confusedly.

"Keep that shitty thing away from me"

"Come on Naoki! This person seemed to have worked hard on this-"

"Either you take it or I throw it out the window, either way, I dont want it." She replied with an annoyed expression. Hana didn't seem phased by her friend's hostility so, instead, she took the box back with an apologetic smile.

"Naoki, you could at least try to meet your admirer" Naomi ignored her and takes a seat at her desk. The blonde girl sighs and takes the gift and takes a seat next to her friend. As the two friends discuss yesterday's homework, they didn't notice a pair of brown eyes staring at them from the back of the class. The boy sighs and prepares for class to begin.


"Hey, Honey! Are you okay?" The blonde snaps out of his thoughts and looks at his friend.

"I'm okay Haru-chan!" He smiles, but they all know it's fake. Letting out a sigh, Honey gets up and leaves the cafeteria. Mori looked at his cousin with worry. He didn't like when he gets in this mood. He gets up and follows his cousin.

Haruhi stares at the blonde and leans over to the other blonde next to her to ask him a question, "Hey senpai, what's wrong with Honey-senpai?"

The blonde stares at where his once friend sat trying to come up with ideas" I'm not sure..."

"Maybe he just wants-" Hikaru says as Kaoru finishes the sentence, "More cake?"

Kyoya who was busy writing in his little black book decides to chime in.

"Honey-senpai has a crush on someone" The group gets quiet and instantly turns to their black-haired friend.

"Eh? A crush?"

"On who?"

"Why would a crush make Honey-senpai upset?"

He shrugged his shoulders and goes back to writing. As Hikaru and Kaoru decide to provoke Haruhi, Tamaki starts thinking about his little senpai, wondering how he should help him.

Asking Honey would probably put him in an even more depressing state and asking Mori would be talking to a wall, the boy would not betray his cousin's trust.

"We should pay Honey-senpai's class a visit!"


"Is that the girl he likes?" Tamaki asks his friend Kyoya as he looks through the class from the door window.

"From the information that I've gotten from a few girls, they said she's a blonde-haired girl who wears a bun with a ribbon. The girls also said she hangs around a red-haired girl with pigtails, so you should look for a red-haired girl who fits that description." Tamaki pouts at his friend.

"That doesn't give me an idea as to who she is..." The black-haired boy didn't reply and keeps on writing in his book.

As Tamaki was about to give up a girl shoves him behind the door. The sudden impact made him fall to the floor. He groans and rubs his arm.

"Hey!" He looks up and sees the red-haired girl that matches the description that Kyoya gave him. He stares at her, noticing she has a star pin on her uniform.

"Move outta the way block-head," She says and leaves before giving the blonde a chance to talk. Tamaki gets up but felt someone grabbing his hand. He looks down and notices a blonde-haired girl.

"I am sorry for my friend, she's not in a good mood today so please dont be mad at her!" He smiles at her and grips her hand.

"It's no problem my princess, and what you're name, my dear?" The blonde girl blushes.

"H-Hana Komori..." Tamaki lightly grips the blonde's hair and raises her chin to face him. He watches as the colour on her face changes from pink to bright red.

"Well my princess, I am Tamaki Souh, it's a pleasure to meet you-"

"I'm sorry Mr Souh hut I'll be late for class. It was nice to meet you!" She lets go of his hands and heads to class. The duo watches from the small window and sees the blonde-haired girl getting lectured by her friend.

"I can see why Honey-senpai fancies this girl...we must get them together!"

Kyoya sighs. "I know. But they are in class. We can't just barge in."

Tamaki huffs. "We wouldn't do that! Just follow her around for a while and try to find a way for one of them to confess to each other!" He smiles. Kyoya nods in agreement.

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