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"Why the fuck would you have crocodiles in a place that's supposed to be relaxing?! What is wrong with you people!? My friend could be dead because of you! I knew I shouldn't have come!" Hana rant's off at the young Ootori. The rest of the host club except for Mori who was busy worrying over his cousin watched as the short girl berate their club member.

"Komori-san seems to be really giving it to Kyoya-senpai..."Haruhi says as she watches the scene.

"I swear if my best friend isn't back here in one piece I will sue EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU for murder you hear me? And don't think I can't because I have connections. I'll even get the president of Japan to put all of you to jail you hear me?!"


Naoki groans and opens her eyes. Her back is sore. She leans up and looks around, she realizes she's in a jungle.

"I knew I should have stayed home...my back hurts!"She whines. "

 "Hehe sorry Saka-chan, I tried to make the landing soft for you."She turns and looks at Honey. Her glare deepened.

"I knew I shouldn't have come. You people have bad luck. I was almost killed!"

"I'm sorry...I'll make it up to you after we get out of this mess."

"You can make it up to me by getting me some food. I'm hungry" Honey looks around and spots some bananas on a tree. Naoki's eyes widen when she saw the skinny boy climbs up the tree and picks the bananas.

'Why the fuck do they have trees and bananas?! I thought this was a resort! Not a jungle!'

Honey climbs down the tree with the bananas in his hands.  Honey climbs down the tree with the bananas in his hands. Once he was safe on the ground, he picks a banana and gives it to her. Naoki takes it and start's peeling it. She moans at how sweet the banana tasted. Honey's cheeks turn a light pink seeing the girl having a cute expression on his face.

"What are you looking at?" Naoki asks and looks at her. He sees her smiling.

"Why don't you ever smile when we're around?" Honey says to him. Naoki doesn't look away from Honey as she starts chewing on the fruit. When she finished chewing, she looked up at him.

"Why do you want to know?" Naomi replies. Honey blinks.

"Well, you have a pretty smile. I'm sure everyone would like you more if you smile more!" He says cheerfully but Naoki didn't take it as advice. Instead, she took it as him insulting him.

"Are you telling me that I'm ugly when I don't smile?!" His smile disappears, and he starts to get nervous

"N-No! I'm just saying that—"

"Forget it. Let's just a way out of here" She huffs and walks away from him. Honey sighs and trails right behind her.


"This is the area map for this Tropical Aqua Garden. This is our current location. To get to where we estimate to be Sakamaki-san and Honey-senpai's location, we need to go through the jungle area in the south block. Distance-wise, it's about 800 meters. Besides Our private police force is sending in a search and rescue team."

"There's nothing relaxing about a jungle..."Hana mutters as she looks around the place. Kyoya sighed but didn't respond to her comment. He knew this look bad and if they don't find Sakamaki-san quickly, his father will be very disappointed in him.

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