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Naoki and Hana were having a discussion together unaware of the pair of eyes that were staring at them. He sighs as he watches the girl of his dream.

"Should I go over there Takashi?" He asks his cousin.

"Yeah...offer her some snacks"

The blonde smiles at him, "Great idea!"

The blonde boy puts a smile on his face and heads over to the duo.

"Nao-chan! Han-chan! Wanna drink some coconut juice? Or do you want to eat some mango cake?" Honey asks, putting on his cute persona for the red-haired. Hana giggled as Naoki frowns.

"Who the heck are you calling Nao-chan? We aren't friends so dont call me that." He pouts at her.

"Alright Sakamaki-chan"

Hana looks at the boy and sighs. She felt bad for him but her friend despises anything invoking the host club

"Sure we would love some coconut juice Honey-kun! Did you know that coconut is Naoki-chan's favourite food"

"Shut up Hana! Why would you tell him that!? And coconut is not a food! It is a fruit!"

Honey put the new information that he got from Hana into his brain. He bid the two goodbyes and goes for their coconut juice.

While Hana and Naoki go to change the rest of the host club had just finished watching the scene.

The leader turns to the group and stares at each one of them.

"Everyone, we need to find a way to get Honey-senpai and Komori-chan to spend time together!"

The oldest Hitachiin twins decided to put his input, "But Boss, every time we try to separate Sakamaki-chan from Komori-chan, Komori always goes to her-"

"-And when we separate the two, Honey-senpai goes to Sakamaki-chan instead"Kaoru finishes it.

"Mhm," Tamaki hums, "What if we keep Sakamaki-chan away from Komori-chan? What if we leave Honey-senpai and Komori-chan isolated and far away from Sakamaki-chan?"

Haruhi looks at the blonde in confusion. What kind of plan is this? Wouldn't Komori-san notice that Sakamaki-san isn't with her and try to go find her, leaving Honey-senpai alone? It seems like a bad idea to Haruhi's mind, but she's still curious as to what would.

"Nana-chan! You look amazing in your bathing suit!" The sound of Hana's voice made Haruhi get out of her thoughts. Haruhi turns to look at Hana and Naoki but blushed when she saw their attire. Hana was wearing a yellow two-piece bikini that has white flowers as the pattern. Over the bikini bottom, she has on a yellow see-through skirt. It was cute.

When Haruhi turns to Naoki, her face turned redder. Naoki was wearing a white bikini with purple laces on the end. Over the bottoms, the piece had a see-through lace skirt and on top of it has a purple rose.

"Sakamaki-senpai, we didn't know that you have-"

"Boobies," The twins said. Haruhi looks at the redhead and saw her fuming with rage. Before the girl could even lecture them, she let out a sigh and ignored them. Haruhi looks at the other host and saw a light red on their face except for Kyoya who has suddenly disappeared.

"U-Uh here's your coconuts..." Honey says and gives the girls their drink. Hana smiles while Naoki huffs at him. After drinking their juice the two get into a conversation about which anime is better.

"Sakamaki-chan, want to go swimming with me?" Honey asked the redhead. She looks at him with a blank expression.

"I thought you can't swim?" Hana lightly shoves Naoki on her ribs making the girl groaned. She looked at her friend and huffed.

"Fine, but if you drown I'm not saving you" she warns him but Honey didn't care. He was just happy to spend time with her. Honey runs to the pool and jumps in making a big splash. He comes up for air and giggles

"Come on in Saka-chan! The water's great!"

Naoki turns her attention away from the boy and onto the water. What she didn't tell him was that she couldn't swim. She didn't want to look like a fool in front of the guy she hate. What if he finds out and spread a rumour around the school about it? She would be the laughing stock of the year!

She takes a deep breath before taking two hesitant steps. Her hand slips a little bit, but she manages to grab the edge of the pool with both her hands. She starts to slowly get her feet under her but she feels like she lost more than she won. Her head drops forward as she tries to take one more step but her legs start to give out and before she falls into the pool Honey wraps his arms around her waist and holds her firmly in his arms. Her eyes widen when they finally meet his. She can see how wide his smile is and his chocolate brown eyes seem.

Realizing the position she's in she shoves him away from her. He laughs but doesn't move an inch as he smiles at her. His hands drop by his side to reveal that he really didn't mean to scare her, his expression softens just barely, "Sorry, I was trying to help"

"Yeah yeah...thanks"His smile grows bigger.

"If you want you can hold onto my shoulders or my arms and we could just float, "Honey says. Naoki understands what he's trying to say to her. 'I know you can't swim but you can just hold onto me instead' It was embarrassing but she didn't want to look like a fool in front of the others. So she grabs hold of his hands. Honey could feel her tremble in his hold.

"I won't let go"

"You better not"

The two stayed in silence and floats in the water. Hana smiles at the duo. It was a cute scene. Seeing Honey helping her instead of embarrassing her friend.

Maybe this trip was a good idea after all? The three host club members didn't like the scene. Tamaki had a sad depressing aura surrounding him while the Twins glare at Naoki.

That was supposed to be Hana out there, not her. Now she's ruining everything. How was Honey-senpai supposed to confess his love to the girl he likes if this red-headed clown keeps coming in the way? But there was nothing they could do now so they decided to play around for a bit.

Naoki and Honey are in their own world, unaware of the large wave coming for them. The wave appears over the duo and crashes onto them as the wave washes them away from safety.

"Honey-senpai!" "


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