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"What makes you think I want to go to the beach?" Naoki says as she munches on her snack. Hana sighs at her friend. Sometimes Hana could hate how stick in the mud her friend could be.

"Why not?" 

"Because, the host club is going to be there, and if they are there then Mitsukuni is going to be there who's going to annoy me throughout the whole trip, and I don't want that. I rather stay home and watch Raito stare at the mirror, talking about how 'hot' he is when he isn't"

"Uwaaah?! Raito-san is very hot!"

"No wonder why you're single, you have awful taste in men" Hana goes to her corner and starts to cry at how harsh Naoki's words were. Her taste in men wasn't bad! It's just not her friend's pick...

"Anyway, I'm not going to the beach, especially not with the host club. These people might through me off a cliff or something. Now come on and let's go, we have 6th period with Ms. Nanazuki" 


Naoki groans at the scene. She's really trying to tolerate the host club just for Hana's sake but they make it so impossible to do so. She sat on the chair next to Hana who was enjoying Mori's attention. Not sure what she saw in him when the boy hardly talks but to each their own she guess. She scoffs and continues eating her cupcake.

Honey watches the girl of his dream in awe. He had invited her to come to the host club today free of charge! Well, technically he paid for it but still! At least she came! He looks at Naoki and sees the scornful expression on her face. Maybe it's because of the other girls screaming...he didn't want them there but he couldn't just cancel his meetings, they had already paid upfront.

Naoki didn't see what the fuss was about. You know what's cute? Kittens and puppies. That's cute. All Mitsukuni did was flutter his eyes at the girls and boom, they instantly fall in love. Seems pretentious to her.

Haruhi brings a tray of tea over to Honey's table as he eats a cake, "Honey-senpai, you shouldn't be eating so many sweets. I'm not going to be responsible when you get cavities." 

"Don't worry. I brush my teeth." Honey says as he takes another bite of the cake when suddenly a sharp pain fills his mouth, "Ngh!"

Naoki sits quietly and watches the scene. The rest of the host club looks at their member with concern. The twins quickly go over to him and try to open his mouth to see if it was a cavity or not. Mori grabs Honey and pins him to the sofa and stares at his mouth, making the rest of the girls except for Hana and Naoki squeal with joy. 

"Kyaaaa!" Naoki rolls her eyes at the scene, "You have got to be kidding me"

Mori tries to open the boy's mouth but Honey didn't give up. Naoki, having enough got up and goes to the two. She pushes Mori to the side and leans down to Honey's mouth. The boy's face instantly turns red.

"Mitsukuni...open your mouth or I'll force it to open," She says. Tamaki gasped at the girl's tone. It was as if he had gotten hypnotized because Honey started doing as he was told.  Mori leans closer to the boy's mouth and stares at it.

"Is it a cavity?" Tamaki asks

"Yeah" Mori replies. Honey stares at him with tears in his eyes, "No, I'm okay!"


"Ah, okay. I got it." The blond clears his throat, "Honey-senpai, you're forbidden from eating sweets until your cavity is filled."

"What?!" Yelled the shorter blonde.

"Additionally, for the time being, everyone in the club must control the amount of snacks being consumed here," Tamaki says. Naoki chuckles with joy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2022 ⏰

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