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The next morning Naoki and Hana went to school together, considering they live close to eachother. When they got to school, Hana started talking about a new movie that she saw last night and asked Naoki if she would like to go later to see it again. She didn't mind though since she was planning on seeing it herself.

While walking down the hallways, they were instantly stopped by a blonde-haired guy and a dark-haired guy who was wearing glasses. It instantly clicks in Naoki's brain that these two are the members of the Host Club. Naoki held a distasteful facial expression making the blonde male pout. Turning his attention away from her and onto the blonde female, his smile returns.

"My princess, we would like to invite you to spend a tropical day with the host club!" Hana blushed at the man's words. Naoki looks at her friend and knew she was going to accept. Without giving her friend the chance to, Naoki chimes in and puts her hands in front of her friend to block the duo from coming close to her, "What's the catch? Why invite her if she's going to have to pay?"

The blonde leaned back from shock, not expecting that response. The dark-haired male decides to answer her question, "Because Hana Komori has been invited, all expenses will be paid"

Naomi removes her hands and folds them, giving the two a huff. Hana claps her hands with joy. An all-paid trip to hang out somewhere tropical? Sign her up! She squeals and hugs Naoki.

"We're going to have so much fun together!" The redhead huffs.

"Uh, Ms Komori, it's only you that's been invited" This makes her stop jumping. She looks at the two and frowns. She doesn't like this.

"If my friend can't go...then I won't be going. I'm sorry, I'm sure this would be a lovely experience but I'd like to spend it with my friend as well."

"Hana, if you want to go you can"

"I'm not going anywhere if you aren't going as well Naoki!"

Tamaki frowns. He wasn't too fond of the redhead but it seems that wherever she goes her blonde friend will follow. He looks at Kyoya and begs him to allow his ideas.

The black-haired male sighs and the blonde claps with joy.

"Well seeing as you are a duo, she can come as well." Hana quickly pulls Tamaki into a tight hug almost suffocating the boy.

This caused the two other students in the hallway to stare. Tamaki tried to pry himself off of her death grip while still holding tightly to the books. Naoki smirks seeing the poor blonde suffer. The blonde finally releases Tamaki. She gives him her signature bright smile.

"Thank you, Tamaki! You have no idea how happy this makes me. If you ever need any help please let me know!" Tamaki just smiles in return.

"Alright ladies, I'll text you later today with details. Please get to class and try not to be late". With that said, the duo walks away leaving Hana to shake her best friend's shoulder with joy.

Naoki's face turns blue when she realises what just happened.

" Wait...does this mean I have to go with you...with a Host Club?!"


"Gather around Host Club members! I have some important news to discuss with you all!" Tamaki says as he enters the club. The rest of the members stare at their boss.

"Oh Hey Tamaki-senpai, what's going on?" Asked the crossdresser. Tamaki stands in his signature pose and states today's plans.

"I have invited Hana Komori to come to spend a day with the host club!" Tanakh says with a smile.

"And her friend Naoki Sakamaki" Kyoya finishes, the blonde pouts but mumbles her name as well. Honey's head instantly lifted from his cake and started at Tamaki. Were his wishes coming true? Will he finally get the chance to spend time with her?

Tamaki and Kyoya watch as Honey smiles at the news. The smiles had warmed their hearts. They knew that their club member was very fond of their guest and wanted nothing more than for them to be together.

"So everyone is happy about this right?" Kyoya asks, a smirk spreading across his face at the response he got.

"Hai!" Honey's voice was the loudest. He turns to his cousin and grabs his hands.

"Come on Takashi! We need to get ready!"Mori hummed and follow his cousin outside to the limo. Once the coast was clear, the twins looked at their boss

"Hana Komori and Naoki Sakamaki? Why them?" The two devils said together.

The blondes' attention turned back to the duo, "We have discovered that Honey-senpai's crush is on Hana Komori! And it's our duty as his friends to help him to get the girl of his dreams! This is why we have invited her to come with us this evening!"

"Okay...but why is Sakamaki-chan coming with us?" Ask Haruhi. Tamari sighs and bows his head.

Kyoya decides to chime in, "Because Ms Komori decides that if her friend can't come them she wasn't going. So we decided to invite both"

"That was really nice of you Kyoya-senpai!"

"They offered to help us if we need anything"

"There's the catch, I was looking for" The Host club talked for a bit until it was time to go.

After the meeting, the hosts went outside where they were supposed to meet up with their new guests.


Standing in the theme park, Hana pokes a saddened Naoki. Naomi was stationed in an Orz position in defeat. She tried and tried to get out of coming here but when Hana had told her brothers, it was a lost cause

"Cheer to Nana-chan! We'll have so much fun here!"

"I hate this stupid place..." The girl stood up when she heard the young Ootori talk.

"This is a theme park operated by my family's Ootori Group, the Tropical Aqua Garden."

"Cheer to Nana-chan! We'll have so much fun here!"

"I hate this stupid place..." The girl stood up when she heard the young Ootori talk.

"This is a theme park operated by my family's Ootori Group, the Tropical Aqua Garden."

"The name sounds lame... It better be worth it, otherwise, I'm leaving." Naoki mumbles.

"But I thought your family was in the hospital and medical business, wasn't it, Kyoya-senpai?" Asked Haruhi. Naoki stares at the boy. There was just something weird about him, something strange. He was very nice to everyone but something was off about him. Like something that made Naoki feel uneasy.

"Well, we like to diversify and take part in various businesses, but this place is part of the medical business." he answered her question

"Some people get bombarded with stress and the feeling of breathlessness, and even if they wanted to relax in the tropics, many cannot due to time or economic constraints, therefore-" Naoki had completely blocked him out of her head.

She didn't care for this information. She just wanted this day to finish quickly. "Maybe they have some coconuts here"

"Well it's supposed to represent the tropical so maybe" Hana replies.

As Naoki starts daydreaming about coconut, a certain boy was staring at her. Honey looked at th girl with a blush on his face. He was so engrossed with her beauty that he didn't notice the terrible twins staring at him.

Feeling someone staring at her, she looks and sees the childlike boy watching her. Honey's eyes widen and his face turns a darker shade of pink. She scoffs at him.

Naoki felt someone poke her shoulders. She looks at Hana, "Naoki, what are you doing? Let's go find some coconuts"

"Oh right, sure."Naoki could still see the pink tinge on the boy's cheeks. She rolls her eyes and walked away. Honey looked at their retreating backs in sadness.

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