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POV: Hazel

*whistle blows*

The crowd erupted once again. Everyone english supporter out of their seats cheering.

It's like the whole world stopped for a minute and I just looked around in awe staring at everyone jumping around celebrating. The first thing I did was walk over to the German players and shake their hands. I haven't celebrated yet. It has not hit me.

That was until this two 30 year old woman rugby tacked me to the ground screaming at me.

Lucy: you fucking did it kid thank you
Rachel: thank you so much
Hazel: why are you thanking me ?
Lucy: you scored
Rachel: your a hero

Lucy hugged me to tight

Lucy: your my hero kid
H: thank you luce

I spotted Leah with Georgia running towards me

H: oh no not again

They tackle me

G: omg hazza you beautiful woman

I just laughed

G ran off

H: good job skipper you've won the euros
Leah: if it wasn't for a few of your late winners we wouldn't be here
H: it was your words that encouraged the team
L: shut up come here

We hugged.

We got our medals and lifted the trophies. We were taking pictures when Jill came up to me

Jill: hey kid we're doing one more box to box
Hazel: until the World Cup jilly
J: sure kid come on

We started running the pitch jill, myself and one of our coaches. Once we reached the last line the crowd cheered

Hazel: jill I can't thank you enough for what you said it really inspired me
J: your the future kid
H: and your a legend
J: come on let's celebrate with everyone

Press: Hazel can we have a few words ?
H: sure
P: you've won how do you feel?
H: I feel amazing. My teammates are amazing they've really inspired me to be just like them. Training with people like lucy bronze who I've looked up to since I started playing football is crazy. Don't tell her I said that tho because she will laugh at me. But yeah I'm so proud of them
P: another late winner how do you do it
H: luck I guess I don't know
P: it's not luck your a hero tonight
H: thank you but the real hero's are the girls over there. On and off the pitch they are phenomenal. I look up to them so much. Physically and mentally.
P: thank you Hazel enjoy
H: I will thank you

I run over to Keira and jump on her

H: omg I totally forgot about your cramp are you okay
K: yes I'm okay (laughs) congrats kid
H: thank you key and congrats to you
H: all you kid

I look over so I could be with Leah but she's doing an interview.

I was walking around the stadium clapping and behind the Doug out I see familiar faces. It can't be.

I burst into tears  and sprint to them

Hazel: dad!!? Mum!!!
Dad: I'm so proud of you
Mam: we'll done baby
Hazel: your here ?!
D: we wouldn't miss it for the world
H: thank you
D: Hazel you are turning into the young woman you've always wanted to be. All that practice we put in when you were young has paid off.
H: and all the giving out I did (laughs)
D: yes and that
H: are you coming to the after party
M: fuck yes !

Dad and I laugh

H: okay I'll see you there I've to go

I walk back into the pitch and everyone was heading inside. I was balling my eyes out. I sat down in my seat and cried so hard. Of happiness of course

Leah: hey hey what's wrong are you okay did someone say something!?
H: my mum and dad are here
L: what?
H: they actually came
L: you never told me they were coming
H: I didn't think they would
L: why
H: they wanted me to play for Ireland but I chose to be a lioness
L: are we happy or sad I'm confused
H: happy I'm so so happy
L: okay no tears let's get dressed and drink !!!
Rachel: ay fucking men to that !!! My girlfriend is here and tonight I'm going to have lots of -
Millie : alright shut up rach
Hazel: lucky for some

Leah said something under her breath

Hazel: what was that
Leah: nothin
Keira: I heard that Williamson
Leah: nope no you didn't

We all got on the bus and started drinking

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