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Third person limited POV
[Y/N] was at work, scanning people's items and bagging them. It was a slow day, and he was ticked off because of some not so friendly customers, but he pushed past it and continued to work. He dozed off a bit, staring into space.. "Excuse me! Are you going to start scanning, or will I have to do your job for you??" Ah, here we go. [Y/N] scanned the lady's items as quickly as he could, he did not want to deal with more yelling.

After work, [Y/N] went to a park to relax a bit. He sat down near the biggest tree and put his headphones (or earbuds) on, he chose a random playlist he created and put it on shuffle. Closing his eyes, [Y/N] payed no attention to the kids running around, or the parents trying to get their kids to stop running around. He smiled slightly as his favorite song [S/N] (song name) came on, blocking out any noise.

First person POV (Ranboo)
I had just finished editing some stream clips together to post in Youtube, and I was decently happy with the results. I stood up and stretched before checking the clock, it read 4:57. [Y/N] should be back in a bit.. '[Y/N]', I smiled a bit thinking about him. We haven't talked that much, but he makes me feel..happy? No time to focus on that, time to post the video Ranboo.'

Third person omniscient POV
[Y/N] walked back to his apartment carrying a bag with groceries in it, he was going to attempt to make [F/F] (favorite food) tonight. When he opened the door, loud music just engulfed him. He recognized the song as 'A Mask of My Own Face' by Lemon Demon, and [Y/N] chuckled 'Didn't know they liked that kind of music.' He walked past the living room and into the kitchen, so he could put the groceries away (he closed the front door ofc)

After changing into more casual clothing, [Y/N] started to make [F/F], paying as close attention as he could to the instructions. He really didn't want to screw this up. He carefully put it in the oven after preheating it, and waited for [F/F] to be finished. When he pulled it out of the oven, he checked to see if it was properly cooked. [Y/N] set it down to cool for a bit and pulled out his phone, scrolling through Tiktok, he found himself doing this a lot but it was a good way to pass time, usually.

Ranboo walked into the kitchen after smelling something good, and saw [Y/N] leaning on the counter "Oh, hey [Y/N]. How was your day?" [Y/N] looked at Ranboo, pausing the video he was watching "It was alright. Got stuff done and worked for a bit. I made [F/F], it should be cooled down if you want some."

The two sat down in the living room, eating [F/F] and watching TV whilst quietly talking. [Y/N] was a bit spaced out, thinking about the past few days. 'It's only been, what, two days since we've met? Why do I feel so attached to him already?' He shook his head, coming back to reality "Uh, what did you say Ran?" He looked at his roommate, trying to pay attention. "I was just talking to the character in [Movie/Show]. I don't know how they can be so..stupid!" Ranboo shook their head, disappointed at the main character in the movie/show.

(Chapter 4 complete. The boys are getting along quite well! I'm thinking of having a two chapter post per day, what do you think about that? Anyways, don't forget to get something to eat and drink, I love you <3)

Roommates // Ranboo x Male!Reader (On Hold!) Where stories live. Discover now