Training Exercises Part 2

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( Backyard)

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( Backyard)

"Alright then _____, show us what you got." Cloud lightly tossed my katana to me.

"You want me to face off against you t-two?"

Cloud nods his head, his mako eyes shining. He was so serious. 'I was so dead..' Both Cloud and Ignis were extremely skilled in battle. 

Ignis summoned his daggers while Cloud pulled out his sword. "Ladies first." Ignis said.

"I'm no lady.." I joked. 

I planned my attack and lunged at Ignis. swiping at him with my sword. Only to have Cloud crash down his large sword, with a powerful hit on my katana I was shoved back.

"Nope, not so fast." Cloud smirked. He jumped towards me, while Ignis was trying to get in behind me. I quickly dove to the side before they could attack me.

'W-wait was their plan to corner me? next to a wall, or with strain me.'


"AH!" Cloud pushed down with only a small part of his strength ohs his sword, making my knees buckle with the weight. " Might wanna pay attention."

"Oh no!" Ignis was coming right at me with lightning speed from the side, just like that, I was knocked over onto my side. *Cling!* My katana flew out of my hand and landed by Cloud's feet. The man didn't budge he could tell it wasn't going to hit him.

Just like that, both men cornered me next to the wall while I was lying on my side. I slowly stood up having Cloud's sword at my throat, and Ignis with a dagger pointing towards my waist.

I was trapped.

"Soo.., what's your next move? I quickly ducked and tried to crawl out by their feet. Both Ignis and Cloud were smart they right away stepped around my hands and feet so I couldn't move. There it was again their weapons pointed down at me.

I already had dirt and sand on my face.

The boys nod at each other and withdraw.

"Not bad, but training never hurts." Cloud gently held a hand out to my dusty form. "I can never overpower you..Cloud it sucks."

Ignis chuckled at my remark. I sounded a bit like Noctis. Cloud stood there still holding his hand out to me. Sighing I reached for it, and just like that, I was easily lifted to my feet.

"Good job ____." Ignis placed a hand on my shoulder. Meanwhile, Cloud dusted my hair and shoulder off for me. 

" I think next we should go for a run. Also, I'll be taking this for a while." Cloud took my katana and held onto it. "Sparing, we will do more sparing too. Forget the weapons for now."

"A run it is then. I can drive us Cloud if you like? Just tell me where to go."

"Alright then."

The three of us sat down in the regalia. With Cloud's instructions, Ignis drove us to a place we can run.

I sat there in the back with Cloud. He glanced at me every so often. Ignis took a sip of ebony he had in his Cloud. "Would you like a coffee Cloud?" Ignis offered.

"Ah, sure. Thanks." Ignis passed one back to him. Cloud held it out to me, and I only shook my head. I rather have tea.

While Ignis drove he had something on his mind. 'Cloud....he seems to really care about ____. Does she know though..?'

"This is the place pullover."

"Certainly." Ignis dose as Cloud asks.

We were literally in the middle of nowhere. This place wasn't like dessert though, it was foresty. We really did go rather out. I look at Cloud my eye questioning him.

"I thought this change of land will be good for running."

'T-thanks man..' I will be feeling this training for a while.

We all get out as soon as Ignis parks.

"Alright hen, let's get moving."

"H-how far are we going?" This place was huge. "Just go, you will know."

Sighing I pick up my feet and start jogging up the large hill. Ignis and Cloud follow close next to me.

*TAp tap tap*

We were running for at least 15 min. My legs were burning. Cloud and Ignis showed no weakness. They were so strong, I didn't want to look weak. The second I thought that. I found myself tripping over a tree branch, and falling face flat on my stomach. Absolutely eating the dirt.

"Ohh dear, ____??" Ignis stopped and looked at me. Cloud already knew I was alright, till he came to my side while Ignis helped pick me up to stand.

"I'm fine." I shook off Ignis' hand. 'Need to be Cloud and Tifa.'

"Ah, alright then." Ignis noticed the small cut mark on my knee.

"Let's keep going." Cloud grabbed my arm and pulled me into a jog.

(Time Skip)

'Okay, I am getting sick of this running...' We found a couple of rocks to sit on for a break. Cloud and Ignis were talking to each other while I stood away from them thinking. I was thinking a bit about Noctis. Missing my friend again.

I felt a sudden shift in the air, it turned really cold. My head snapped up to a deep voice.

"Hello there." That similar super long silver hair, those cat-like eyes.

"CLOUD Look OUT!" I see Sephiroth taking a cheap shot lunge at the blonde.

"Where the hell did he come from?!' I gasp, seeing Cloud get thrown back into a tree, unable to dodge on time. While Ignis backed up gasping for air, lucky he didn't get hit too.

"What on earth? Cloud!" Ignis ran to my side, as we see Sephiroth messing with Cloud. I see a drop of blood trickle down the side of the blonde's face.

"You! what are you doing here!?" Cloud gasps, as he was being crushed towards the tree. Cloud didn't have his sword right now. He left it back in the car.

My heart was beating fast as I began to worry about Cloud. "Just dropping it to say hi, Haha!" The silver-haired man laughed evilly.

"Sephiroth let Cloud go!" I stepped in.

"___! no!!" 

Cat eyes lock onto mine. "OOOh Cloud is this your woman?? hehe"

"___ don't do it." Ignis tried to pull me back, but I threw his arms off me.

Sephiroth instantly came at me, with that grin on his face. Cloud began to panic he didn't have his sword. Cloud sneered angrily at the tall man. "Leave her alone! she is no threat to you."

"Bud out, I am trying to have a conversation with this human...women." SEphiroth towered over me. His green eyes looking into my soul. "You dare to confront me?

- To Be Continued

(Things are getting really good! I'll try to update soon!)

Final Fantasy XV/ Vll  Mako Crystal Hearts /Cloud StrifeXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now