Bussiness Partner

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Coming back to the story !

Karan and virat meetup is normal. Karan just talk with him as formal. But virat did all possible way to make him comfortable.

Virat : So karan coffe ya tea ?

Karan : nothing just start the meeting

He said while looking at his wirst watch.

Virat : yeah ! Just my secratory come with files then we go in meeting room.

Karan : sure !

Then a soft knock on door come. And karan feel something in his heart. A diffrent kind of feeling.

Virat : come in ..

Preeta come in cabin with smile. She also feel something weird in her heart.

Karan face was toward virat and back was showing to preeta.

Preeta : Sir yeh files.

She say in soft voice.

And after listening her voice karan eyes become big in shock. He hurridely turn back and for his luck she is his wife.

Preeta look at karan who turn back hurridely. She get biggest shock. They are going to collaborate with karan. Noo way.......... Her body froze and karan also frezze in his place. Both just looking at eachother.

He look at her after freaking one month. She look more beautiful in dark blue long frock with white printed flowers dupata & capree. Her hairs falling on her shoulders. His eyes feel peace after looking at her. He was gazzing at her without any shame.

Preeta also looking at him. His darkcircles eyes , messy hairs , grown beard showing that he is not taking care of him.

Virat feel akward. He look both of them and cough fakely. Preeta quickly averted her gaze toward virat.

Virat : Is everything ok ?

Preeta : ye...yeah sir wo yeh files.

Preeta place file infront of virat and move back.

Virat : karan are you okay !

Karan also come out from trance.

Karan : yeah ! Fine

He said to virat but looking at preeta. Virat also notice this.

Virat : preeta he is karan our new collaboration partner and karan she is preeta my brilliant secratory..

Preeta and karan look at eachother.

Karan : Hello Miss Preeta ka..

Preeta : Arora ! Preeta arora..

Preeta said harshly. Virat notice the tension between them.

Virat : tu meeting room mai chalay...

Karan : sure

Virat : you move first ! Preeta you also have to come

Preeta : yes sir you both go ...


In meeting room !

Karan and virat are sitting infront of table. Arjun was also present at meeting room and some other employes.

Preeta was showing slides in big screen. She was explaning all places in which they have to invest and telling them profits. She look at everyone expect karan.She also feel karan burning gaze on her.

Karan was just looking at preeta with amsuement. This proffional side of preeta made shock karan. Karan also notice that she is not looking at him.
He smirk in mind. He also thought to play proffesional game.

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