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Hello!  Sorry for not updating recently,  life has been hectic 😅  but I hope yall enjoy this little Steddie one shot! 

Triggers ~ swearing, slurs, mild violence,  if I forgot anything I apologize

Also,  Steve and Eddie are both in their senior year

It was lunch time at Hawkins Highs.  Students were running around,  eating, doing homework or just being typical kids.  Steve sat with the jocks,  barely listening to what Jason Carver was blabbering about.  Steve's thoughts were focused on a certain curly haired metal head.

Steve had a crush on Eddie since middle school but pushed the feelings away.   He was afraid to be who he truly was due to the way people thought in the small town. 

Sure,  he had Robin, who was the first person he ever told about his bisexuality.  She fully supported him and helped him come to terms with it. 

Eddie was comfortable about who he was,  didn't give a rats ass about the slurs he was called.  Eddie didn't let the harassment and harsh words bother him.  He was called worst by his own parents before they dumped him on his Uncle Wayne. 

Steve glanced over at the table Eddie sat,  surrounded by members of Hellfire which consisted of a couple of his "kids", Mike and Dustin. 

Eddie "The Freak" Muson.  That's what everyone called him.  Eddie didn't care,  he was proud of who he was.  Eddie was currently reading a magazine about DnD was satanic and making everyone at the table laugh.

Steve,  lost in his head,  looked up when Eddie yelled across the lunchroom.

"OR A GAME WHERE YOU TOSS BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS!" Jason stood up,  walking a bit toward the metal head. 

"You want something freak?!" He yelled back,  making Eddie do his devil horns and a weird noise.  Steve and Eddie locked eyes for a few seconds and Steve's face burned a bright red while Eddie smirked.

Later that day,  Steve was sitting in the hallway,  after school.   He didn't want to go home to another empty house.  

"What's up Harrington?" Eddie asked,  plopping down next to the boy.  Steve jumped a bit,  not expecting someone else to be here still.  "Jesus fuck." Steve muttered, placing a hand over his racing heart.   

Eddie laughed,  leaning into Steve.   "Sorry to scare you." He said,  still giggling a bit.  Steve's cheeks turned a light pink,  shoving Eddie a bit.  "What are you doing here?" He asked the metalhead. 

"Setting up for tomorrow night's DnD session." He said,  his dark brown eyes meeting Steve's light brown ones.  Steve nodded,  vaguely remembering Dustin asking him to pick him up afterwards. 

"So,  why are you here?" Eddie asked,  curious since basketball practice ended an hour ago.   Steve sighed,  running a hand through his hair.  "Didn't wanna go home." Steve said,  glancing back down at his English homework. 

"Where's your parents?" Eddie wondered.   "God knows at this point." Steve grumbled,  going into a tangent on how their never home. 

"Damn dude,  Im sorry,  I didn't mean to make you upset." Eddie apologized,  worried he hurt the boy he was in love with. 

"It's alright,  I'm used to it." Steve said,  giving him a half hearted smile. 

The pair stared at each other for what seemed like forever,  both glancing at each other lips.  "Can I ask you something?" Eddie whispered,  not wanting to ruin the vibe or scare the fluffy haired boy. 

"Ask away." Steve replied in the same hushed tone.  "C-can I kiss you?" Steve nodded, leaning forward.   Their lips barely brushing before a door slamming made them jump away from each other. 

"Well, well, well,  what do we have here?" Jason's voiced called from down the hall.   Eddie and Steve both jumped up,  Eddie standing in front of Steve to protect him.  "What do you want?" Eddie growled,  hands bawling into fists.  

Jason stepped closer,  almost nose to nose with Eddie.  Steve was quiet,  looking down in shame and fear.   His secret was out now.  

"Came back for a book and saw a couple faggots instead." Jason smirked and was suddenly tackled to the floor. 

Steve didn't know what came over him but he saw red when he heard that word directed at Eddie. 

Eddie,  still in shock,  pulled Steve off of him,  holding him tigh around the waist. 

"Say those words again and I swear to God I will kill you." Steve seethed,  slightly relaxing in Eddie's embrace. 

Jason said nothing as he got up and ran out of the building. 

Steve stepped away from Eddie's arms just to pushed up against the wall in a heated kiss. 

After a few minutes of heated kisses and lingering touches,  Eddie pulled away. 

"That was hot." Eddie said, making Steve laugh and pull him into another kiss.  

A few weeks went by,  the kids at school gave Steve some issues but was quickly shot down by Robin and Dustin,  who was happy that his 'mom' and 'dad' were finally together.

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