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GOLD. THAT'S ALL Jungkook could see. What a boring colour.

Jungkook sighed as he was getting fitted into a dark red suit with yellow outlining the suit.

Jungkook stared at the mirror bored, he wants to be with his hybrids. Not be here fitting on an outfit for his future bride or husband.

He didn't even want to be married. Yes, he may be in his twenties but he isn't ready for marriage. God no.

“You are looking handsome in this your majesty! Definitely going to woo all the suitors.” The designer smirked as Jungkook rolled his eyes.

“Mhm.” He muttered, getting ready to leave.

The designer let's Jungkook go and he went to his room and cuddle with his hybrids.

He has a lion hybrid and a white wolf hybrid. He picked two dangerous hybrids so he will always feel safe, plus if anyone does him wrong his hybrids will handle it.

He opened the door and laid on his bed.

“Tough day?” Namjoon ask, hugging the rounce as Jungkook cuddled him.

“Want me to be a wolf or you are fine with cuddle with me like this?” Namjoon ask as Jungkook sighs in content.

“Like this, I need a long cuddle after the stupid fitting.” Jungkook said, as Namjoon smiled.

“I get that, I don't know why they are forcing you to get married to a stranger. Why can't your father just let you find your lover?” Namjoon ranted, holding Jungkook close.

“Cause he is a dickhead. He doesn't believe in love with his and my mother's marriage was arranged.” Jungkook said, pouting.

“Where's Hobi?” Jungkook said, looking up to look for the lion hybrid.

“The king need him when the suitors come in so there is no danger.” Namjoon said as Jungkook was angry.

“Hobi isn't used for to protect others, he's there to protect me and be my friend not be some slave for father.” Jungkook said, frowning.

“It is annoying, even Hoseok wasn't happy with it. He wanted to wait for you but the king threaten him by saying he will send Hoseok back to the pound.” Namjoon said, as Jungkook laid his head back on Namjoon's chest.

“I would never let that happen, to the both of you. You are my hybrids, not my father.” Jungkook said, looking up at Namjoon and smile.

“Thank god, I don't think we want to be the king's hybrids.” Namjoon laughed.

Soon Hoseok came through the door in his lion form, looking tired. Jungkook spotted him and got out of the hug and started to pet Hoseok.

“You tired Hobi? Want to cuddle us?” Jungkook ask, smiling as Hoseok smiled.

“Wanna stay in that form or be in your human form?” Jungkook ask as Hoseok went to the a bit in the room.

Where the hybrids go to transform so they can put clothes on after they transformed.

Soon Hoseok came out wearing joggers with a plain white t-shirt.

Hoseok got into bed and hugged the hybrid and prince.

Jungkook was comfortable until there was a knock. He groaned, knowing it's the maid telling him the princes or princess are here now.

The hybrids were aware and got up.

“We can be with you Koo, we don't want you to be on your own during this.” Namjoon said, as Jungkook held their hands.

“Yes! I would like that!” Jungkook said, showing his cute bunny smile.

Then they opened the door where the maid smiled.

“Ready your majesty?” She asked as Jungkook nodded.

“Yes, but can I bring my hybrids? I want to feel safe.” Jungkook said as the maid made an unsure look.

“I'm not sure the king will approve.” The maid said as Jungkook held the hyrbid's hands tighter.

“It's for my safety, I need my hybrids, I don't care if my father doesn't approves. It's for my safety!” Jungkook said with an outburst.

The maid was scared, you don't ever want to anger or upset the prince. He is similar to his father.

Both of them are terrifying.

“Okay you majesty, you can bring your hyrbids.”

Then the cute smile came back like he wasn't having an outburst.

A/N - hello, I hope you enjoy this new book! I'm looking forward to writing this cause I absolutely love mixing Disney princesses together.

But I'm going to have fun writing this. This will be the same as my last book where one chapter will just be about Jungkook and another chapter about Jimin until they meet.

I'm liking that way to write a chapter and I do hope you all like that way too.

Also I wrote this in St. Patrick's Day! Almost a month ago. Jesus, also hopefully for this book there will have all the members, cause I do want a story with all of them.

And with this book I think I can make that happen.


Stay healthy, stay safe, stay kind to others and yourself, and stay loving yourself!

I purple you all!

🎶I'm nothing without your love, I promise I'll never leave your love🎶

Song: With You
Artist: Ha Sung-Woon and Jimin (2022)

~you nice, keep going.~ - Park Jimin💛 (2018)

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