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Everywhere in the room is filled with dark blues, greens, and purples. Jimin loved it, he was so used to bright colours.

“We are here, please take a seat — it's gonna take awhile.” Yoongi said, as Jimin sat down putting his hands on his tail.

Yoongi got his big pot out and then turned to the Prince.

“So, you want to become human?” Yoongi asked as Jimin nodded with a big grin.

“Yes, it's my number one wish.” Jimin said moving closer to the witch.

“Perfect, wish granted. Now sit back and watch the magic.” Yoongi said as he started putting stuff in the pot as smoke appeared.

Jimin smiled in amazement as he watch the pretty colours.

Unaware that his best friend was also in the room, terrified for the merman.

Taehyung watch as Yoongi was putting random stuff in the pot, obviously to distract Jimin. He moved forward to get closer and closer to the duo.

“Now, my prince. I just need one thing from you.” Yoongi said as Jimin looked up at the merman.

“What's that?” Jimin asked, tilting his head as Yoongi smiled.

“You're pink hair. I will give you a natural hair colour for your pink hair.” Yoongi said as Jimin touched his hair.

His hair was a sign that he was part of royalty, if his lose his pink hair he is no longer a royal and just a normal merman.

He loved his hair, it was unique and it was the only thing he liked about being a royal.

But he really wanted to be human.

“Okay, I'll give you my pink hair.” Jimin said as Yoongi smirked as he moved Jimin closer.

He put his hands on Jimin's hair as the pink dye slowly comes out of his hair and Yoongi place the dye into a jar. Safe and sound.

Jimin's hair turned into blonde, like it was bleach.

“Perfect, now before I give you this drink. You only have three days since the portion isn't too powerful. So make sure you are nesr the sea when it comes the third day.” Yoongi said as Jimin grabbed the drink.

“Is there a way I can be human forever?” Jimin questioned as Yoongi hummed.

“Yes, a true love kiss. If you get a kiss from your true love, you will be human permanently.” Yoongi said as Jimin stared at the drink.

Are you sure you want to do this Jimin?

I might not see Tae....

“Jimin, don't drink that.” Taehyung said spoke swimming towards them, trying to knock the drink but Jimin held it tightly.

“Ah, another merman.” Yoongi said as Taehyung glared at the man.

“Min, are you sure you want to do this? You won't be able to get back here. Is it worth it over some boy.” Taehyung said as Jimin stared at him.

“I'm not doing this because of some boy. I'm doing this cause I want to be human, yes Jungkook is just a plus, but I really want to be human.” Jimin said as Taehyung held his hand.

“If you do this, please come to the sea. I need to make sure you are okay.” Taehyung said as Jimin smiled.

“Of course.” Jimin said then Taehyung's smile faded.

”Where's your pink hair?” He asked touching his blonde locks.

“Oh, to get this drink I gave up my pink hair.” Jimin smiled as Taehyung looked at Yoongi.

“Why did you want his hair colour l?” He asked, glaring at the witch.

“Because he needed to give something to me, this ain't free. Plus it's a nice colour and it belongs to me.” Yoongi said as Taehyung looked at Jimin.

“And you are fine with that?” He asked as Jimin hummed.

“Yes, sure I will miss it but I like the blonde colour too.” Jimin said.

Then he put the drink to his lips.

It's now or never.

Then he drank and took ever sip.

After awhile he felt nothing then he was unable to breathe. He was moving his fins as they were turning into legs, Taehyung notice and swam up to land.

Jimin started to cough as Taehyung looked at the boy. That's when he notice Jimin was naked.

Taehyung looked around to find anything that can be class as clothes. He found a sheet and a belt. This will just have to do.

Jimin on the other hand was staring at his legs, he actually has legs. Then he notice a third leg.

“Tae, that's that?” Jimin asked, staring at the small thing in-between his legs.

Taehyung came back and looked at what Jimin was pointing at.

“I'm not sure I never seen one. But it's private no one can see it.” Taehyung said as he swam to the boy.

The sheet was soaked by the water but none of them cared.

“Here put this in, I'll help with the belt.” Taehyung said as Jimin wrapped the sheet around his legs.

Taehyung out the belt on to make it stay.

Jimin's upper body was expose as the sheet made it look like he was wearing a long skirt.

“I can't believe I'm human!” Jimin said as he clapped his hands with joy.

Taehyung smiled as he seen his friend in his happiest moment.

“Please make sure you are here a couple of times okay Min? I want to see you.” Taehyung said as Jimin agreed, moving to Taehyung and hugged him.

Getting the sheet soaked more, making it more heavy.

“Of course I will!” Jimin said, hugging his close.

Soon they heard humans, Taehyung hid under water as Jimin hid behind a rock.

But he recognised the voice.


A/N - hello, here's another update! Also Jimin is finally human.

The plot is finally moving.

I can't wait to write more, I'll try and uodate tomorrow if not Thursday!

Also watched Jungkook's live yesterday couldn't watch Taehyung's live cause I was asleep unfortunately. But Jungkook's live I genuinely felt like I was on a video call with him.

But also it's sad that none of them are happy with the comments, don't blame any of them cause it's a mess I had to turn it off yesterday.


Stay healthy, stay safe, stay kind to others and yourself, and stay loving yourself!

I purple you all!

🎶Wait a second, this is weird, my vision's blurry (Grr-ah). Why doesn't it end? I keep hearing disturbing noises (Yeah, yeah)🎶

Song - Side Effects
Artist - Stray Kids (2020)

~you nice, keep going.~ - Park Jimin💛 (2018)

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