Date with TimeTay Part 1

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         (Another bit of a TimeSkip of previous chapter!)

Tay's POV:

When we came back from Kim's private resort Time asked me if we could have a date anytime this week. I was shocked a bit, but I of course said yes. I am starting to regret it now why? Well because I fall asleep anywhere I go even if it's a 5 minute drive I WILL FALL ASLEEP. So the place we both agreed on is like a 1-2 hour drive from where we live so I most definitely will fall asleep! I groaned since I knew I fucked up bad agreeing to have the date.

"Tay love are you alright..?" Time asked me while putting on a shirt. I just nodded since I didn't feel like talking and I didn't want to get him worried. Also, if you're wondering about the nickname "Love" eh he calls me that all the time ever since we agreed to restart our relationship so, I got used to it. (Btw Tay is still in bed while Time was in the room, but like getting ready)

"Do you want to come to the office with me or no?" He (Time) asked me. I sat up and just shrugged because I wanted to go, but at the same time I didn't.

"So do you want to go or not because shrugging isn't really an answer, love." He said while sitting on the bed also. 

"Mhh I want to go, but at the same time I don't want to!" I answered pouting a bit.

"Well why don't you stay so you can be ready for the date. I'll come pick you around 7 is that fine?" He asked. He has been asking me so many things today!

"WAIT TODAY'S THE DATE?!" I yelled a bit realizing what he said. He just nodded his head, smiled, ruffled my hair and gave me a quick peck then left. I laid back down on the bed and groaned once again. I decided to get up and head to the kitchen to cook some food for me and Vicky, but she beat me to it and was already cooking. Why is everybody either beating me to things or surprising me with doing or telling me things.

"Sit down food's about to be ready. I hope you like it, I'm not the best at cooking." Vicky told me while I sat down and she turned off the stove.  She then placed the food on the table and sat down. 

"Tay have you ever wanted kids..?" Vicky asked me while eating. I was shocked at her question.

"Umm yeah I guess so, why?" I responded and looked at her a bit confused.

"Nothing just wondering, if so how many?" She asked once again.

"Erm why are you asking these questions..? Either way I would like at least 2! 1 boy and 1 girl." I replied to her question smiling a bit. She just nodded her head and continued to eat so I also continued to eat. I began to wonder why she was asking me that, but shrugged it off because ever since we were young she would ask me weird questions.

"I have a date later on with Time, but I don't know what to wear!!" I whined a bit.

"Quit whining I'll choose an outfit for you okay?" She said while getting up and heading to our room. I quickly got up, put the dishes in the sink and chased after Vicky. 

"You bought new clothes so it wouldn't be that hard to make an outfit." She said while going through my closet. (Tay and Time don't share a closet because Tay has a lot of clothes and they don't want to get mixed up) She then chose out an outfit and placed it on the bed. 

"There! Now that wasn't so hard. I'm gonna make a matching outfit for your boyfriend." She said while going to Time's closet.

"I- why aren't you a fashion designer or whatever-" I asked her.

"I don't know probably because I'm not that interested in that plus I'm gonna be busy.." She responded while taking out some clothes out of his (Time's) closet. I nodded, but then got confused why she said she was gonna be busy. Now that sounded a bit suspicious.

"Thanks for making the outfit I really needed help!" I told her, she just smiled at me for response she then left. I smiled since Vicky has always been there for me which I was really grateful for. I noticed it was 1pm already. (DON'T QUESTION HOW TIME PASSED BY THAT QUICK LOL) I  decided to shower early because I usually take at least 1hr to shower, don't ask why I take so long. 

                                                                     (1 hr later)

"Tayy hurry up you always take so long! Let me do your hair!" Vicky yelled at me from the living room.

"Okayy! Let me just change into the outfit you chose and you can do my hair!" I yelled back and changed. I then went downstairs.

"Finally you take so long to shower!" She whined and made grabby hands which meant to sit down so she could do my hair. I sat down and she began to do my hair.

"You better not make it bad or I'm fucked and so are you!" I warned her and she just nodded her head. Of course she didn't overdue it because I didn't like overdoing things especially if it isn't that big of a situation.

"It looks nice! Thank you!" I thanked her which she smiled as response again. I noticed it was 3:00 already dang time moves fast. (AGAIN DON'T QUESTION HOW THE TIME WENT FAST) 

"Want to watch a movie till it's time for me to go?" I asked Vicky while sitting down on the couch she nodded her head and we began to watch the movie. I was feeling a bit tired, but of course I tried my best to not fall asleep because I have a date with Time. I can't just tell him that we have to cancel it because I'm tired! That's a dumb and pathetic reason! 

"If you're tired you can sleep, I'll just wake you up when it's time to go." Vicky told me while averting her gaze to me. 

"No it's okay plus it'll be hard to wake me up afterwards." I replied giving her a short smile.

(HEHEHE NOT SURE IF THIS IS A CLIFFHANGER BUT OH WELL. Do y'all have an idea why Vicky asked Tay if he wanted kids and why she asked how many? das a bit sus to me! If you guys have an idea why then tell  me and I'll answer! Ik I said I was gonna post 2 more chapters yesterday but I didn't cuz I ended up playing with a new neighbor of mine for the rest of the day LOL)


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