KinnPorsche Introducing Felix to Venice!

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Kinn's POV:

Me and Porsche  just decided to/adopted a little boy named Felix! He's very cute and sweet Porsche suggested that we should make him meet Venice, his soon to be cousin I agreed.

"Come on Kinn we're going to VegasPete's house!" He yelled a bit while picking Felix up.

"Okay come on!~" I replied while walking to the door. All 3 of us got into the car, and the chauffer began to drive.

"Daddy where are we going..?" Felix asked looking out the window.

"You're going to meet you're cousin Venice okay?" I replied smiling a bit.

"You have to behave since we are in somebody else's home." Porsche added. He (Felix) just nodded his head. After a few minutes we arrived at VegasPete's house. We got out of the car, but this time I was carrying Felix.

"Hi guys!" Pete greeted while we entered.

"Who's the little guy..?" Vegas asked looking at Felix a bit confused.

"He's our soon remember? :)" Porsche replied. 

"Ohhh now I remember!" He (Vegas) said.

"Venice!~ Please come down!~" Pete yelled a bit. Then Venice came down the stairs a bit confused. He hid behind Vegas back/legs and peeked his head out a bit.

"Who is he..?" Venice asked smiling mischievously a bit. I put Felix down and he surprisingly approached him (Venice).

"Hi! I'm Felix." he said.

"I'm Venice...nice to meet you." He (Venice) replied smirking slightly. Felix nodded his head.

"Why don't we let them talk for a bit and we also talk?" Pete suggested while ruffling Venice's hair. We all agreed and left to another room, but near to supervise them.

"Felix seems like a calm kid, unlike Venice." Vegas said.

"Really? Venice seems calm and quiet." Porsche replied a bit shocked.

"Nah he's a fucking demon to me, but an angel to Pete and Macau." Vegas cursed. Pete hit his (Vegas) arm and glared at him a bit.

"So did Vicky tell you that she's pregnant and that she's going to give the kids to TimeTay?" Porsche asked.

''WAIT SHE'S PREGNANT?!" Pete shouted a bit utterly shocked. 

"She didn't tell you..?" Porsche asked once again.

''No..?" Vegas replied confused a bit.

"Yeah she's pregnant. I feel bad for her because she can't raise the kids on her own since she's young." I said.

"Papa I'm hungry.." Venice said sticking his head into the room staring specifically at VegasPete.

"Uhm can you wait just for like 5 minutes and I'll make you some food..?" Vegas asked/replied to him.

"Fine.." He (Venice) said and went to the other room.

''I find it funny since Venice is always hungry no matter what time it is." Pete said laughing a bit.

"He got that from you. Did you realize that so quit laughing." Vegas answered while lifting one eyebrow at Pete. Pete stayed quiet and lowered his gaze.

"Oii don't bully him (Pete) or I'll take him back to Tankhun." Porsche warned while glaring at Vegas.

"Don't you dare." Vegas answered in a stern voice, but his eyes screamed fear.

"M messing with you, but you're eyes scream fear." Porsche said and smirked a bit.

"I'm hungrryy can you guys hurry uppp..?" Venice whined while sticking his head in the room again.

"Yes, yes I'll make you some food right now." Pete answered while getting up and heading to the kitchen. Vegas followed right behind him and then me and Porsche also followed behind the 2.

"Damn if you go anywhere fucking Vegas follows behind you, huh?" I told Pete and he nodded his head while making food for Venice. After a few minutes he finished.

"I made instant noodles for you and Felix I hope that's good enough for both of you." Pete asked.

"Thank you P'Pete!" Felix thanked and I managed to notice that Venice glared at him. Venice just took the food, sat down and ate. Pete just smiled at (Felix) and he (Felix) also sat down to eat.

"I think Venice is jealous of Felix.." I whispered to Porsche.

"Yeah I think so he glared at Felix." Porsche replied back, but in a whisper.

"Let's chill in the living since it's closest to the kitchen."  Vegas suggested and took Pete's hand to walk to the living room. Me and Porsche followed behind those two.

"Venice doesn't like Felix." Vegas said straightforward and Pete's eyes widened.

"I know, but oh well. Watch him hate Era and Flash when they're born." Porsche said laughing a bit.

"It's not that Venice hates Felix. It's that he gets jealous/possessive easily over me. I wonder who he got that from." Pete said while looking at Vegas then averting his gaze. Porsche just laughed a bit and nodded his head. 

"Uhm daddy can we go home..? I'm a bit tired..'' Felix asked/said while sticking his head in the room just like Venice did before. 

''Of course just hold on a bit, alright?" I answered and smiled at him. He nodded his head and left.

"I think we should leave now since Felix is tired yeah..?" Porsche said and VegasPete nodded his head. I went to where Felix was and picked him up.

"Say bye to Venice~" I told him.

"Bye!" Felix said and Venice just waved slightly at him. Me, Porsche, and Felix all left and got into the car. The chauffer then began to drive and not much time passed till Felix fell asleep. Once we arrived Porsche got him out of the car and carried him to his room. He placed him in his bed and tucked him in. We both left his room and walked to our room.

"I hope Felix gets along with Era and Flash when they're born." Porsche said and sighed.

"Me too, but I'm pretty sure he will since he's friendly." I replied and laid on the bed then Porsche also laid on the bed. He then hugged me and I hugged him back and smiled. He (Porsche) then slowly drifted off to sleep. 

"Daddy..?" Felix said while walking slowly into the room.

"Yeah..?'' I answered.

"Can I sleep with you guys.. I feel uncomfortable sleeping alone." He explained. It shocked me since he actually knows how to express himself at a young age. I nodded and patted the bed so he could climb on which he did and I smiled since he was so cute. Felix slowly also drifted off to sleep.

"I don't regret adopting you Felix.." (Kinn said that)

(That is all for today's chapter I hope you enjoyed it! This was not a chapter I planned, but oh well. I actually wrote this in mainly history class, a bit in music and the ending at advisory. Thank you for all the views and comments and votes and just everything I appreciate it! Also please go check out amamabored's new story! It just started, but it'd really help if you'd read it and all. Thank you and I love you guys all! <3 <3 <3 <3)


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