So close,but too far - 3

695 22 9

Trigger warnings - screaming and shouting, crying, harming of oneself, repetition of words, mention of needles.


Again I was woke up to being carried this time a little harsher. I tried to wriggle out of the grip but it caused a slight pain in my head.

I groaned and let my body relax until we made it to the destination.

I opened my eyes wider to see that I was in a hall almost completely grey.

It looked like it had been left in and frozen in time.

Even the small bits of exposing wood and lights were a limited grey.

I could hear a door being opened and 'll of a sudden I was chucked into a large room.

At first I thought it was very small...

But when the lights turned on I pushed my body up only to make my head spin further.

The room was covered from the ceiling to the roof with page mirrors reflecting off themselves and me.

I urgently scrambled to my feet to try and get to the door I had entered through but they wasn't a seam out of place.

No matter how hard I tried , digging my nails and scraping them into the material to try escape , it wouldn't work I was stuck.

I was stuck.

I was stuck.

I was stuck.I was stuck.I was stuck.I was stuck.I was stuck.I was stuck.I was stuck.I was stuck.I was stuck.I was stuck.

I was-



Ranboo POV

I woke up in a box of some sort.

A box that was big enough to be a room.

A box that was big enough to be a room with a window in it.

A box that was big enough to be a room with window in it and a small child on the other side of the window  trying to get out of their room. Shouting. Crying. They looked like they were going to turn insane.

I moved over to the window and looked closer to the see if I recognised the child.

Then they looked over to me. Almost looking right through me but then looking directly into my eyes.

Piercing into my soul.

I sharply inhaled.

Then my ripping through my heart as they started to sob.

I held the breath.

Recognising the face after a few minutes .

Opening my mouth and then ...


I expected a scream, for me to exhale, for me to cry but no.

I stayed silent.

I couldn't help Y/n.

I wanted to but they were trapped and so was I.

Was this what the man meant on th plane.

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